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Mar 15, 2011

After disaster how to help your child (aged 2.5-6)

Dear parents: after experiencing this catastrophic, there are many children will have a response. Information provided by the following, is a reference to United States experience of psychologists. Some children while there appears to be good, but may come in weeks or months after the disaster.

In General, the child\'s emotional response and will not last long, if children continue these reactions occurred more than three months or six months, please contact the mental health team around.

Possible trauma response

Repeat describes trauma experience
Obvious anxiety and fear
Fear of specific event after a disaster
Fear of a disaster from happening again
Don\'t want a visual image of traumatic memory and not to go
In schools is not easy to concentrate on their studies, performance
Daily acts of degradation to the smaller age looks like
Special retreat, quiet language or hard tube, disobedient
Lose interest on original activities like
Sleep disorders: doing nightmares, sleepwalking, have trouble getting to sleep
Complain about physical pain, or where no cause illness
Condolences to disaster anniversary, holiday or calm down reaction

Parents approach

Restatement of the listening and tolerating child event
Respect and encourage children to express the feelings of fear
Do not randomly leaving a frightened child side
Allowing your child at bedtime used different methods to face the fear: read story books, listening to stories or music, midnight dream evil with their favorite things to accompany
Expected performance in the school temporarily down
Understanding of degradation behavior of children, but children have basic manners and should still be required to comply with General
Listen to the misunderstanding of the disasters, particularly those of self-reproach, or strange ideas
Step by step help children view on the real disaster events
Gradually let the children could themselves could regain control of his own pace of life

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