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Mar 15, 2011

New healthy diet for children

Too few children should not eat dinner

\"Dinner to eat less\" statement is for adults especially the elderly,. For children, however, that compromised.

Children are at a strong period of growth and development, both growth and brain development will require large amounts of nutrients to supplement. Time most people three meals is five or six hours, and dinner from the sooner or later the next day time intervals for about 12 hours, while sleeping without supplementary food, but the growth and development of children won\'t stop for a moment, night is the same, still need a certain amount of nutrients. If too little too bad for dinner, you cannot meet this demand, if this persists, it can affect a child\'s growth. Visible, children\'s dinner will not eat less, you should also eat eating well. However, was not generalized, according to the child\'s physical condition also may be.

Dinner arrangements for children, the first consideration is heat, heat that dinner should be higher, account for about 40% of heat throughout the day, eat less high-fat or difficult digestion of food, improve the quality of dinner can effectively improve the nutritional status of the person. Therefore, the body more thin child, parents should pay more attention to children\'s dinner, take advantage of improving the quality of dinner to improve children\'s health. Instead, if your child body weight had been overweight or fat, you should adhere to the \"dinner food\" principle. In General, heat thermal 25%~30% for the whole day eating dinner, but the \"little\" refers to heat less, rather than reducing the number of, because fewer children enough to eat, will affect the quality of sleep in the evening, on the child\'s physical health.

Children to stay away from coffee

Through extensive scientific research found that drinking coffee, children may cause the following hazards:

1. United States scientists have discovered that drinking coffee increased urinary calcium 1 time (that is, increased excretion of calcium). Therefore, the long time drinking coffee can affect the skeletal development of the child.

2. Can cause restlessness, loss of appetite, insomnia, memory degradation, and cannot concentrate on learning. It was observed that often prone to ADHD in children of drinking coffee, coffee also can damage children\'s vitamin B1, vitamin B1 deficiency caused by.

3. May cause intestinal spasms. Often prone to unexplained abdominal pain in children of drinking coffee, while affecting food intake, resulting in short stature.

Children should eat dairy products

Nutritional foods at home and abroad experts agreed that the average daily consumption of 144 ml calcium or calcium-containing 245 mg and vitamin D3.3 micrograms of milk, can significantly improve the amount of whole body bone mineral density of children. Experts point out that adults of 45% bone is formed in puberty, increase bone mass in children, youth help raise adult peak bone mass during the period, so as to reduce the risk of osteoporosis and fractures in the elderly. Inadequate intake of calcium or vitamin will seriously affect the healthy development of the bone.

\"Peanut toxicity in\" babies are advised to beware

United Kingdom medical scientists a study found that almost 10 years, according to food allergy test, allergic reaction to peanut had increased in children 95%, peanut allergies are most at risk, where special baby of the family history, or have other food allergies, allergic diseases such as rhinitis, eczema, or asthma.

It turns out the point. Recently, foreign medical scientists study found that serious Peanut Allergy the infant gradually increased, and even some babies in the artificial feedings, you may be sick. Infants were fed one year ago peanut butter, peanut butter on the bread also allergic reactions can occur, even earlier of sensitized material from the peanut oil in baby formula, or from breastfeeding.

Due to peanut allergies can cause children face edema, severe reactions can occur in acute laryngeal edema, caused by suffocating children with life-threatening. To this end, the medical recommendation: peanut allergy in children or infants have allergies, you should avoid exposure to and consumption of food containing peanuts products for at least three years, breastfeeding mothers are also removed from the diet of peanut products, be prepared for any contingency.

Too much iron may be poisoning

In recent years, the children\'s endless stream of health foods on the market. \"Iron-fortified foods\" advertising is propaganda have marvelous. But experts warned the people, if your child too much iron may be poisoned.

Local symptoms of poisoning, gastrointestinal mucosa directly corrosion, causing severe nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, or bleeding into asphalt-like stools. Severe diarrhea can cause dehydration, acidosis or even acute gastric perforation, intestinal necrosis with peritonitis and life-threatening.

Systemic symptoms, sometimes can lead to heart damage, heart failure and shock. Free iron may also enter the cell, causing liver cell necrosis, neurons dissolved, cramps, coma and repeated acute liver failure, eventually leading to death.

Children think smart, eat vegetables

Scientists after long-term research pointed out that the vegetable nutrition and intelligence is closely related to children.

In peacetime, most parents only child on protein, fat and sugar intake, to the neglect of vitamins on children\'s brain development and its influence and intelligence.

Fresh vegetables, the existence of normal brain development required large amounts of b vitamins and vitamin e. They are not only high quality and easy to be absorbed and used. Therefore, parents should try to let the children eat more fresh vegetables.

Child cream eat glucose

Many parents love their children, as a tonic oral glucose, long instead of white sugar for children to eat, milk and water are placed in glucose. In fact, this is not desirable.

Because oral glucose in a sweet, slightly bitter, and a little herbal medicines in a prescription, eat more children are fed up with a few days, influence appetite. If long-term glucose escrow white sugar, it will cause a decline in gastrointestinal secretion of digestive enzymes, digestive dysfunction, resulting in anemia and vitamin, trace element deficiency and lower resistance.

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