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Mar 15, 2011

Attention allergy health life

-The 2009 \"small family Kit\" prevention and treatment of allergic disease science education activities initiated in Beijing

Allergic rhinitis, infantile eczema, allergic conjunctivitis, urticaria, insect bite dermatitis sth Do you know about allergies? Do you know allergies which previously? You know the difference between allergic rhinitis and the common cold? Do your allergies have a correct understanding? When the allergy is everywhere in our life, what should we do?
To raising awareness of allergic diseases, strengthen the construction of meaning and connotation of small family medicine, on December 18, the \"woman in mind\" of harmonious family project \"family small Kit-prevention and treatment of allergic diseases-science education\" activities in women held in China. The activity is by the National Organizing Committee of the mind series female activities organised Office in mind, Sin Ming Ma Lin Ke by agents of brand China (Shanghai) medical consultation service as co-organisers. Experts from allergy section, skin, facial features, \"woman in mind\" and female representatives of Heads of education base in Beijing, news media, about 120 people attended the ceremony.
Health education is imperative
Activities for a children\'s drama performances opened the prelude, a group of innocent lovely children, led by the teacher, singing \"health clapping song\" tell you, prevention of allergy in everyday life we should pay attention to what matters. Also this education activity of the Organizing Committee has developed a theme announcement by allergy cases and expert answers, closer to the way of life telling you of allergic disease control importance of science education, and community recognition and suggestions on carrying out this work.
National series in mind Fan Aiguo, Deputy Director of the Organizing Committee at the meeting said: \"countries around the world are more and more attention to prevention and detection of allergic diseases, safeguard public health has become one of the top priority concern of the Governments. Worldwide trend of allergic diseases is increasing year by year, to this end, the national campaign organizing Committee echoed the General family needs in mind, the \"small family Kit\" prevention and treatment of allergic disease education program-literacy and education activities. Through the active universal access to prevention and treatment of allergic disease knowledge, knowledge of anti-allergic drugs such as Temin\'s position in the daily control, let more women enjoy the harmonious and healthy family life! ”
Sail community health
In applause, assisted by the main leaders of both sides, \"woman in mind\" Beijing base representatives, experts, representatives of education opened a golden curtain symbolizing education activities started, a dance with happy health kit jumps in crumpled sheets of wings, assisted by the main parties in front of the small Kit formally signed the Allergy prevention education activities in the next five-year plan. National Heart Department series activities organizing Committee heart Department female activities Office Director Huo Haiyun to presence audience were announced has activities first stage of implementation plan: \"2009 years activities will in Beijing, and Guangzhou, and Shanghai, and Fuzhou four a focus City carried out, main to free issued 400,000 book missionary manual, and carried out pilot flow classroom, form, assisted by units also will donation cents special Ming drug as activities support, let more of women children from by allergy plagued, reached help China female and the family on allergy sexual disease be concern, and accurate judgment, and actively treatment of purpose.
Attention allergy you ask I answer
Wang Lianglu, Associate Professor, Deputy Director of the allergy section from Concord hospital, said at the meeting, allergic disease is a lifelong disease, affecting populations tend to be young, impact to society is not just medical expenditures, there is still a large problem of social cost. Actual understanding of allergy or the whole of society is now has a great misunderstanding, I am pleased that the national women\'s Federation on this issue to the attention, the \"small family medicine-allergic disease prevention of science education\" activities, so that more people understand and daily drug allergic disease prevention, recognize the importance of prevention and treatment of allergic disease.
Know you for \"allergic\" there are many questions and misunderstandings, the Organizing Committee has special arrangements \"interactive question and answer\" link, by Allergy Department of Xuanwu hospital physician Ren Huali professional detailed answers for you, for us to master a lot of knowledge of prevention and treatment of allergic diseases, won the warm applause of the crowd.
Social responsibility of loving Enterprise
At the ceremony, Office of the National Organizing Committee of the series of activities in mind and the law on association with the project Ma Lin Ke (Shanghai) Medical Advisory Services Ltd General Manager Shi Heman signed a five-year plan of the project and donated 3,000 boxes on the spot-out samples to support the education plan. Mr Shi Heman says: \"the high incidence of allergic diseases in China, tens of thousands of patients around the world by taking Temin drugs alleviate allergy symptoms. Pharmalink (China) is a company with more than 300 employees of professional medical advice, for the majority of doctors provides professional pharmaceutical promotion, including allergic disease knowledge. I was very pleased with the National Organizing Committee of the heart of a series of activities jointly undertake this education activity, and hoped that through this educational activity, you can let more people understand and learn how to treat allergic allergy, so as to improve the quality of life. ”
Organised business links:
PharmaLink (Pharmalink) is Asia Pacific\'s leading pharmaceutical services group-Interpharma Asia Pacific (greating group) drugs distributors of Yongyu limited the parent company, Singapore investment company Temasek (Temasek) limited, Quintiles (kuntai)-world\'s leading pharmaceutical services organization of transnational corporations, 3 companies funded joint venture. PharmaLink is the famous marketing and marketing organizations in Asia, the company\'s medical products business in Asia Pacific, has a special professional knowledge of medicine, medical registration and professional marketing team. As an ideal medical marketing partner, we provide a range of market services and support programmes, which have attracted a growing number of pharmaceutical companies and Ph

ArmaLink cooperation with a view to increasing sales or expand the scope of operation of the Asia-Pacific region. PharmaLink has consistently focused on career planning and professional training of the staff, and in the field of marketing and marketing in Asia Pacific has established a good reputation, with more than 3,800 sales representatives, covering 19 treatment of products in the field of marketing.
Product link:
Xian-Ming--second generation non-sedative antihistamine drug
Double allergic, clinical excellence. Compared with traditional antihistamine drugs, sleepiness small, work and study more peace of mind. Without metabolism in the liver, no drug interactions, not toxic, more suitable for the elderly to take. Large-scale clinical trials prove: 6-11 months infants are also safe for long-term use. International quality, trustworthy.
Scratches in the middle of the tablet packaging to facilitate reductions take; unique patented drop packaging, children, more accurate, and easy.
[Drug name]
Trade name: sin Ming
Common name: hydrochloric acid cetirizine
Oral tablets: oval, with scratches and YY flag white film coated tablets
Oral drops: colorless clear liquid
[Pharmacology and Toxicology]
Highly selective peripheral histamine H1 receptor antagonistic, and significantly reduce the late phase allergic inflammatory cells (such as Eosinophilic granulocyte) move and release of inflammatory mediators. Significantly reduced in patients with asthma on histamine-induced airway allergic reactions.
No obvious anti-acetylcholine or anti--5 serotonin function, not through the blood-brain barrier.
Eyes of seasonal allergic rhinitis and conjunctivitis, of perennial allergic rhinitis and allergy-induced pruritus and urticaria
[Drug interactions]
Yet there are reports of interactions with other drugs.
[Specifications and usage]
Oral tablets: box 5 pieces, each piece of 10mg. Can be separated by intermediate nicks, every half-chip 5mg
Oral drops: per 5ml per ml 10mg. The bottle vertically downward, liquid automatically drops out, every drop 0.5mg
Five years

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