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Mar 15, 2011

How long is the term of protection of the vaccine

-Epidemiological observation results of more than 30 years abroad, Gill wind antibodies after vaccination Yang to go rates are above 95%, antibodies, sustainable protection of more than 11 years.

-The World Health Organization believes that acellular pertussis vaccine, antibodies to whole-cell DPT vaccines typically 6 years ~12 years in duration.

Application-at home and abroad of JE vaccine Hamster kidney cell inactivated vaccine, vaccine live attenuated vaccine of rat kidney cells. Data show that the former after a two-pin (agent) based immune and 3-pin (agent) after immunization, immune effect for 10 years; the latter inoculation needle (agent), immune effects can last for 5 years ~11 years.

-Hepatitis a vaccine in China are using a live attenuated vaccine and inactivated vaccine, both protection after vaccination rates are above 87%. Observations show, the former term of protection is up to 15 years; the latter actually observed the protection period of 5 years, 5 years after the antibody titer of geometry average of the 326miu/ml, based on a mathematical formula speculated that the protection period of up to 20 years.

-Some scholars on immune function in normal adults conducted an observation on the effect of hepatitis b vaccine, found that in 8 years after vaccination, 85% still exist within the body of this protective antibodies. Another scholar to investigate the child immunization with hepatitis b vaccine, surface antibody positive rate of 71.37% after 5 years, 9 years after the positive rate of the 51.34%. As to whether or when to strengthen immunization with hepatitis b vaccine, research is continuing in this regard.

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