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Mar 15, 2011

Ten factors cause female infertility

Where a couple to live together more than 2 years, not take contraceptive measures are still not pregnant, called infertility. Conceived by 2 years after the marriage has never been referred to as primary infertility; had birth or abortion, for 2 consecutive years of infertility is also called secondary infertility. According to statistics, the normal pair of couples of child-bearing age, with a normal married life and not take any case of contraceptive measures, about 60%~70% of the woman pregnant within 3 months; about 75%~80% of the woman pregnant within 6 months; more than 12 months pregnancy rate of 85%. Also 60% with some statistics within 1 year of conception; conceived within 2 years; 80% about 90% within 3 years. From the perspective of statistical results, within 1 year after the marriage the highest rate of conception and, therefore, some people advocated the infertility time for 1 year.

Infertility is the woman cannot conceive, this is the fertilization process barriers or early embryos fail to implantation has been caused by the loss; refers to a woman\'s pregnancy and infertility, miscarriage, premature delivery or stillbirth occurs for various reasons, pregnancy cannot continue to live births. Many factors and disorders of the female bred, according to their position and causes can be divided into the following ten areas:

1, vaginal factors
Vaginal atresia or intermediate vaginal sexual intercourse due to innate factors, such as obstacles or difficulties, thus affecting the sperm into the woman\'s reproductive tract. Furthermore, mold, trichomonas, gonococcal infections, such as vaginal inflammation change the biochemical environment of vagina, reducing sperm motility and viability, so as to affect the chances of pregnancy.

2, cervical factors
Cervical narrow, and polyps, and tumor, and adhesion, are can effect sperm by; cervical erosion, its inflammatory sexual exudative property has killed fine role; cervical mucus in the exists anti-sperm antibody, does not conducive to sperm penetrating cervical tube or full makes sperm lost activities ability, which worth caused note of is unmarried abortion Hou caused by of cervical adhesion, especially repeatedly flow Shi more easy caused this a serious complications, to sperm refused of Yu cervical mouth zhiwai. Congenital anomalies of the cervical canal multiple associated with menstrual disorders, or dysmenorrhea, the girls will go to the hospital after the first check. Gonococcal cervicitis is through sexual intercourse, such as infection, often leading to cervical duct atresia or stenosis.

Habitual late abortion caused by cervical relaxation and-mouth disease is caused by one of the common causes of infertility. When pregnancy month increasing fetal cystic weight increase when exceeding capacity of cervical canal, cervical canal expansion, fetal follicle bulge and water break, fetus and placenta have discharge often occurs after 3 months of pregnancy.

3, uterine factor
Congenital absence of the uterus, the true temper of infantile uterus and uterine cavity-free Palace dysplasia or deformity will affect the fertility of the woman. Bits or serious after flexor, after uterine endometrial inflammation, infertility caused by intrauterine adhesions are reasons.

About 75% of uterine within film different bit syndrome patients has infertility history, this is because it will caused uterine Hou bit adhesion, activities difference, also can caused tubal adhesion, led creeping ability decline; different bit of uterine within film can as a itself Antigen, caused women immune function with hyperthyroidism, as produced anti-uterine within film antibody; different bit uterine within film also can produced more of prostate pigment, to led uterine and tubal muscle of strongly contraction, interference sperm and eggs of run and pregnant eggs of implantation, therefore caused infertility.
Uterine fibroids are the most common benign tumors, infertility rates of up to 30-40% of patients with uterine myoma, infertility rates much higher than the general population. Submucous myoma can affect sperm movement and implantation of the blastocyst, intramural myoma affects pregnancy, often cause miscarriage or preterm birth. If pregnant, to the third trimester, also because of uterine contractility caused exception caused premature labour, hindering delivery or postpartum hemorrhage.

4, tubal factor
Tubal is too long or narrow, tubal inflammation caused lumen occlusion, stagnant water or adhesions, will impede the running of sperm, eggs or embryos. 25% per cent of female infertility of tubal disease, is a significant cause of infertility, causing inflammation of the membrane of patients within the diseases including tuberculosis, infection, trichomonas, gonorrhea, and other pathogens. Blocked fallopian tubes can be obtained by pass liquid, microsurgery plastic surgery, and may also use \"test-tube babies\" (in vitro fertilization and embryo transplantation) technology to help patients get the chance of pregnancy.

5, ovarian factors
Ovarian hypoplasia, lack of ovulation and follicular form of yellow body, premature ovarian failure and polycystic ovary, ovarian tumors, and other factors affecting the follicular or eggs into can cause infertility. For example, the follicles to mature but not rupture, and eggs cannot be discharged, the base temperature is normal bipolar, changes in hormone levels in the blood is completely normal, this disease is called follicles do not rupture syndrome. Luteal insufficiency is insufficient secretion of progesterone, its reasons associated with high prolactin levels when endometrial secretions affected thereby is not conducive to the development of fertilized egg implantation, if implantation, also due to inadequate secretion of progesterone and abortion.

Polycystic ovarian syndrome characterized by no ovulation, it is not a single disease, but a series of clinical symptoms and signs of collectively, for menstrual disorders (rare menstruation or menopause);

Infertility; double side coated thickening and polycystic ovaries increase, allergic; hairy, fat, libido enhancement. Due to the endocrine and menstrual disorders and infertility.

6, endocrine factors
Current development and maturation of thalamus cycle Central matured in hypothalamus of incomplete or delayed, among the hypothalamus-pituitary-ovarian axis adjustment is not perfect, so manifested in anovulatory menstrual, amenorrhea or luteal function disorders, these are all possible causes of infertility. In addition, hyperthyroidism or low adrenal cortical Hyperfunction or lower can affect ovarian function and prevent ovulation.

7, congenital factors
Serious congenital hypoplasia of the reproductive system, such patients often associated with primary amenorrhea. Sex chromosome abnormalities such as Turner\'s syndrome, true Hermaphroditism. Chromosome abnormality caused by habitual abortion, and so on.

8, systemic factors
Nutrition disorders, metabolic disease, chronic wasting disease, obesity. Taking health and cottonseed oil, toxic chemicals, radiation, microwave, and other physical factors.

9, mental nerve factor
Plant functional disorders of the nervous system, mental illness, environmental amenorrhea, anorexia nervosa, the fake pregnancy.

10, other
Immune infertility, blood group incompatibility (Rh factor or habitual abortion or stillbirth caused by ABO hemolytic).

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