Do you know? Eczema, laryngeal stridor, night surprise, night crying, cramping, abdominal pain, late rickets, teeth, tooth decay, anorexia, irritability, poor, the brain activity of active sth Babies of these diseases may be associated with mother calcium deficiency during pregnancy and lactation.
Therefore, if you want to have a cute baby, it is necessary to lay a solid foundation for health in pregnancy. If a mother can ensure adequate intake of calcium every day, more benefits for the baby:
1. Prevention of rickets.
Congenital rickets, neonatal Fontanelle increases, Fontanelle before and after the same, and often accompanied by low calcium convulsions. Mothers of such infants often with lumbar back pain in pregnancy, leg cramps, hand, foot and hypocalcemia symptoms such as numbness. Therefore, reasonable calcium supplement to mother newborn to prevent rickets.
2. Prevention of eczema.
Also known as \"infantile eczema\", there are many theories about the cause of it, but recent studies suggest that vascular spasms, local to low calcium blood supply deficiency will cause rashes, skin, skin flakes. Anti inflammatory and reducing the role of vascular permeability of calcium, calcium supplement in the treatment of eczema with other drugs not to function.
3. Prevention of laryngeal stridor.
2-3 months of laryngeal stridor is a newborn or infant breathing when \"Hulu Hulu\" breath of sound. It is the result of laryngeal cartilage softening due to calcium deficiency. If mother calcium supplement in a timely manner, we can reduce the incidence of this disease.
4. reduce the night crying.
Old baby cries in the night, but no other disease and, in fact, this is because the baby is calcium deficiency, if the amount of babies not getting enough, symptoms of night crying will be effectively controlled.
5. preventing night terrors.
Because of the half before the age of the baby\'s brain development of the nervous system immaturity, poor control, causing a phenomenon of night terrors sleep easy, this is caused by a calcium deficiency. Sufficient calcium content of babies rarely occur.
6. reduce cramping.
Baby sleep, often uncontrollable twitch, is generally assumed that this is a baby in a dream is it, or because the longer the body, this is actually a cramp, is caused by calcium deficiency. This situation occurs, shows mother needs calcium.
7. Prevention of abdominal pain.
Baby abdominal pain of many causes, most commonly functional abdominal pain. Recent study found that functional abdominal pain is mainly caused by calcium deficiency, calcium deficiency causes excitability of nerves increase intestinal spasm causing abdominal pain occurs. Calcium supplements, you can treat this abdominal pain.
8. avoid teeth later.
Normal baby 4-6 months to grow new teeth, and calcium deficiency in the baby to one or even two years is not a new tooth or tusk order confusion, rough tooth enamel. MOM, if good calcium supplementation during pregnancy and lactation can reduce symptoms.
9. ease of restless.
ADHD, is due to baby brain development is not perfect, between nerve cells and nerve fibers are not very good insulation, excessive sensitivity of the brain. And calcium to maintain normal contacts of the nervous system, reduces excitability of the nervous system, played a sedative effect. Therefore, do not want the baby too \"good\" calcium supplementation is the key.
10. promotion of brain development.
Is the critical period of brain development during pregnancy. Brain cell growth, metabolism, and normal operation of the brain are dependent on calcium. Therefore, calcium is important for intellectual development of neonates and nervous system, calcium supplementation can strengthen future intellectual development of the fetus.
This shows that maternal mother calcium adequate or not, will have a significant impact on the baby\'s life. Chinese nutrition society recommended intake of calcium for pregnant and lactating women suitable for 1000-1200mg, and the national nutrition survey showed that daily per capita intake of calcium in the diet only about 389mg, with the difference between the recommended intake of appropriate about 611-811mg. Therefore, maternal mother needs additional supplementary calcium preparations in order to meet the needs of themselves and baby development.
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