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Mar 15, 2011

Fetal life links

When many around 1 year old baby in the bath, often interest to his navel, slightly larger babies even asked her mother: \"why a small hole on the stomach, what is it? \"Mother often say:\" the belly of a small hole is called a navel, when your mother belly when it\'s your mouth. \"It is not a Word, importance of navel in fetal period. In fact, the navel is the period of fetal umbilical cord \"remnants\", the umbilical cord is the womb of medium and small babies thrive \"meritorious officials.\"

Baby lives in fully enclosed within the uterine cavity full of amniotic fluid, far from being drowned, but growing up day by day, is the umbilical cord through this life link to \"eat\" and \"breath\". If you compared the placenta to provide nourishment of warehouse, then the cord is a transport, baby through this in detail long tie and mother are closely linked, Exchange material and, through it, and mother.

Umbilical cord attached to one end of fetal umbilical cord round the abdominal wall, Central or partial placenta attached at the other end to one side. Umbilical cord within has a section tube cavity larger, and tube wall more thin of vascular, called umbilical vein, it to from Yu mother, rich oxygen and nutrition material of fresh notes conveying to baby, for its growth development need; umbilical cord within also has 2 section vascular revolve around in umbilical vein around, it of tube cavity smaller, and tube wall more thick, called umbilical artery, take with will baby General metabolism of waste to the mother discharge of task. Bread out of the three vessels around is a translucent substrate, water content-rich, and contains a lot of collagen and elastic fibers, which keep the umbilical cord blood flow in smooth. Notes in the umbilical cord to speed the flow of 6,436 m per hour, that is, blood in the umbilical cord and the fetus as a whole body of the journey takes just 30 seconds.

Cord length varies. To 28 weeks of gestation (7 months gestation), the umbilical cord can reach the length of the term. In General, the term cord when the average length of 50-60 cm, diameter 1-2.5 cm. If less than 30 cm cord too short in length, over 70 cm for the umbilical cord is too long. Some experts pointed out that, if the placenta is attached to the bottom of the uterus, umbilical cord must be longer than to the distance between the vagina from the placenta, delivery of the fetus can properly and securely.

Baby life closely connected with the umbilical cord, cord if an exception occurs, poses a serious threat to the baby\'s life. The umbilical cord too short, does not meet the normal length, exceptions may occur during labour, mainly after entering the stage of fetal umbilical cord was pulled too tight, blood circulation disorders and intrauterine hypoxia occurs, that caesarean surgery had to row. In addition, may also stretch-induced premature separation of placenta or Umbilical hernias, serious fracture and bleeding is caused when the umbilical cord blood vessels, leading to fetal deformity. When the cord is too long, can also cause blood flow disorders, whether umbilical cord around neck, cord prolapse or knot of umbilical cord are fetal life-threatening.

When the delivery of the baby smooth, loud cries reverberate in the delivery room when when the baby\'s heart in rhythm \"Dub dub\" beats, baby and mother are closely linked lives of bond – gently cut the umbilical cord by midwives. Since then, a new life completely detached from the parent, with good wishes and vision to the world. As the umbilical cord stump of atrophy, crust, falls off, umbilical cord also formed, forever keeping the trace of the fetal age.

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