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Mar 15, 2011

Spring takes children for an outing in note \"three HIV\"

Spring spring, children is the most exciting thing. In the city were oppressed in the concrete jungle of a winter, take the kids to the wild Spring, think is pleasant.

With children for an outing to note what do?


* Select locations

If baby has been able to express their views, and his proposal to consider. Is best to choose spring scene features more obvious and there is a corresponding service of the local case.

* Select

If their own driving trips, randomness will naturally stronger, as long as the drive to the wild, think the scenery good place can be stopped at any time, however, do not forget to bring a map, not open to far remote areas; if you want to ride the bus, you plan travel routes to see train time, don\'t miss the last bus.

* Prepared food, fruit, water

Can be either a picnic, as well as hunger or thirst in the midway. But not too much, otherwise when Ta was a dinner or event hassle.

* Bring entertainment appliances

Fishing tackle, or designed for the baby ready fish net, small barrel; also some sports equipment such as badminton, small football, used for entertainment.

* The night before sleep sleep

TA cannot sleep too late in the evening the day before, to ensure adequate sleep, next day feel energetic.

Pay attention to safety

* And rest

Child is tired, should let their proper rest, eat, appropriate to add that the energy and water. Attention physical activity, cannot let the children tired.

* Anti-\"three HIV\"

Spending on HIV prevention: Spring Flower, but some of these beautiful attractive plants toxic to the human body. Common azaleas, Mimosa, oleander, daffodils, a magenta, Calla, etc, containing toxic substances, eating can cause human poisoning; Lantana Camara, geranium, geranium, can cause human allergies.

Safety tips: spring flowers \"movable eye hand\" which is not freely into the mouth chewing food and flowers.

Anti-venom II: main containing acid and neurotoxin venom and histamine, hemolytic, bleeding can cause the human body and central nervous system damage, toxicity to bees minimum, WaSP and Hornet is large, strongest bamboo bee. General healthy people at the same time was 5 bees stung Thorn, local swelling and pain occurs, can restore a few days later. If at the same time suffered more than 200 bee sting Thorn, deaths due to respiratory paralysis of the central nervous system.

Safety tips: TA-without perfume, hair spray, and other fragrant cosmetics so as not to provoke bee; carries sweets and sugary drinks to seal well; if accidentally touched the Beehive by bee sting should immediately pull the Stinger, and then immediately wash the wound with water and hospital treatment.

-Three virus: a kind of epidemic hemorrhagic fever virus most closely with field activities. Carriers of this virus are wild rodents. 5 in early summer each year, the high incidence of the disease, epidemic area in the hills bordering the field places. But countries or areas have expanded in recent years, popular seasonal spring in advance, thus poses a threat to people spring outing TA-.

Safety tips: spring wear long sleeve clothes on; not in the forests or lying in the grass.

Return of the spring, you can do more. Harvest in addition to the information, must also be some bug flower flowers grass, small fish, family placement, is the work of finishing below these \"harvest.\" However, don\'t forget, but that the children have a rest day.

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