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Mar 15, 2011

Baby not ill, tricks raise the baby immunity

1 life, breastfeeding--first immunization

Contains a lot of immune substances in breast milk, can increase the baby immunity and resistance, to prevent the baby from viruses and illness. Can say that breastmilk is immune for the first time in life, so don\'t miss the opportunity to babies fed breast milk.

2, touch--improve the baby\'s blood circulation

In the birth canal during natural childbirth contraction, squeeze the fetus, is a beneficial physical contact, to baby\'s development of the nervous system. After birth, the mother\'s physical contact, will let small babies have a lot of sense, you can promote your baby\'s physical development, strengthen muscles, make the joints more flexible, is especially useful for preterm infants with birth weight less; touch can improve the baby\'s blood circulation and improve immunity; improving food digestion and absorption, reduced crying and improve sleep.

3, immunization vaccination--proactive response

For the baby against infectious diseases and vaccination is humanity the positive measures taken, such as BCG tuberculosis prevention, oral polio vaccine to prevent polio (polio), hepatitis b vaccine to prevent hepatitis b, and so on. Parents must be on time for the baby vaccinations.

4, regular life habits-the biological clock in rhythm rotation

Growing children need plenty of sleep a day, if your child sleep at night not enough, you can ask him to NAP during the day. Weekend with baby to the fresh air of the Park to play one more play, the body healthy.

5, a balanced diet-enhance defense function

Modern children easy partial eclipse, nutritional imbalance will cause a decline in resistance. Meat, eggs, fresh fruit and vegetable varieties as diverse as possible, eat less deep fried, smoked roasted, sweet foods.

6, do not eat their fill-avoid excessive burden of spleen and stomach

Infant viscera delicate, digestion and absorption feature is not yet per

fect. Although strong growth, nutrient needs urgent, however, movement of spleen and stomach digestive function of relative shortage, if they eat their fill, gastrointestinal burden, digestive disorders, prone to indigestion, abdominal pain, leading to diseases such as gastroenteritis and dyspepsia.

7, drink boiled water – keep mucous membrane moist

Drink plenty of water to maintain the mucous membrane moist, become an important defense against bacteria. Kindergarten, going on to a child carrying a water bottle, thirsty to drink at any time. Note to drink boiled water, instead of sugary drinks.

8, not too clean – forming immune memory

Immune memory to the original form of infectious disease of the immune system, if it should meet again, you can quickly eliminate it. If your home is too clean, children have no chance infection produce antibody, but weakened body resistance, and can cause allergic and autoimmune disorders, usually as long as you use ordinary SOAP and water to achieve clean results.

9, good health habits-prevents the mouth

Although excessive antibiotic, clean useless healthy, but still want to cultivate their basic hygiene, especially before eating and wash hands after toilet, you can prevent the mouth.

10, not free to use-antibiotics-immune systems get exercise

When the infection is not very serious, try not to use antibiotics, but by its resistance, the immune system to be exercising. So when the next encounter the same sort of \"enemies\", have trained immune cell will produce a targeted immunity, so as to protect the physical security.

11, keep indoor air fresh – clear pollution risks

68% disease associated with indoor air pollution. Such as dust, heavy metals, ozone, dust, dander, batting, fibre, various parasites, cigarette smoke, building materials and decoration materials, cosmetics, detergents, pesticides, aerosol dispenser agent. Baby of the family to open doors and Windows f

or air regularly if the family decoration, especially the kids room decoration, to choose green materials.

12, promptly added clothes-reduction-adapting to the external environment

Baby cold or hot, very love sick. Therefore for baby clothing to moderate, General and as adults. If you touch the neck become damp after stating much clothes, to take off one piece; if the touching hands are cold, instructions to wear less, to add clothes.

13, a good family atmosphere – to stimulate immune activity

Good mood may stimulate the immune system activity, so as to play a role in adequately protect the body. Parents for the baby to create a harmonious family atmosphere, is a prerequisite for baby\'s immune system in good condition.

Transfers from the 39 health network



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  2. Breast milk is important as infant's nutrient need and it must give when they under 6 month age because baby's immunity system will build a body's defender from illness. i recommend you to read this one about best foods to boost baby's immunity system
