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Mar 15, 2011

Causes of anemia in infants and feeding principles

Baby Infant period is one of the more common symptoms of anemia, chronic anemia can affect heart function and intelligence development. Mostly because of anemia caused by malnutrition in infants. Anemia can appear pale or decayed yellow, fatigue, symptoms of low resistance.

Nutritional anemia can be divided into small red blood cells (iron deficiency) giant of immature red blood cells of anemia and nutritional (vitamins B12 and folic acid deficiency) anaemia.

First, iron deficiency anemia

Caused by iron deficiency in vivo effect of heme synthesis, is by far the more common problems in the world, especially in infants and young children and women in reproductive age. According to statistics, nearly 40% of school-age children and kindergarten children suffer from different degrees of anaemia.

Major cause of iron deficiency are:

1, the body of iron increased demand and insufficient intake relative

Infant growth is very fast, normal infants birth weight gain 1 time 5 months after times, at the age of 1 increased twice. Infants after 4-6 months, stored iron in the body have been consumed, if only to low iron content of breast feeding, can lead to iron deficiency anemia. Women due to pregnancy, lactation, increased rail demand, coupled with digestive disorders in pregnancy, and poor absorption of iron intake, also very easily lead to anaemia.

2, iron absorption barrier of chronic anemia

Pigmented heme iron in animal foods can directly in the form of Porphyrin Iron to be absorbed, high absorption rate of non-pigmented heme iron absorption depends on the solubility of the gastrointestinal tract and other factors, a variety of factors can impede the absorption of iron.

Second, the giant of immature red blood cells of nutritional anemia

Due to various factors affect the absorption of vitamin B12 and folate intake and nutrients giant immature red blood cells caused anemia. Vitamin B12 and folic acid on nucleic acid metabolism in the role of Coenzyme, without leading to metabolic disorders, so as to affect the original maturity of red blood cells. Often occur in open or minimum supplementary food, pure starch feeding to breastfeeding or baby, or recurrent infections and digestive disorders in children.

Giant of immature red blood cells can cause vitamin B12 deficiency anemia and nervous system damage folic acid deficiency not including giant of immature red blood cells caused by anemia, inflammatory diarrhea there is inflammation of the tongue, mouth, and so on.

Third, exclusive breastfeeding can lead to anemia in infants and young children do?

Breast milk is the best food in infants, who advocate implementation of breastfeeding in 4-6 months ago. But a item on children iron lack syndrome epidemic learn of investigation report display, in baby period for artificial feeding of children anemia occurs rate for 22.58%, implemented mixed feeding of children anemia occurs rate for 31.2%, implemented pure breast feeding of children anemia occurs rate for 43.93%; pure breast feeding time does not to 4 months of children anemia occurs rate for 27.74%, over 4 months of children anemia occurs rate for 43.59%; if in baby 4 months Qian on added milk (powder), anemia occurs rate for 26.32%, in 4 months Hou added milk (powder), anemia occurs rate for 41.36%; if in baby 8 months Qian on added meat, anemia occurs rate for 32.34%, over 8 months only added meat, anemia occurs rate for 37.21%.

High digestive absorption rate of breast milk, but a low iron content, 100 g milk iron content of no more than 0.5 mg, formula milk and 100 grams (powder) iron content can reach 9 mg. Therefore, exclusive breastfeeding for longer, the greater the possibility of iron deficiency anemia in children. Formula milk rich in iron (powder) can effectively prevent iron deficiency anemia in children, add meat of animal protein and other foods rich in iron can also be supplementary iron nutrition of infants.

Analysis of iron-deficiency anaemia in breastfeeding but finding of high probability of occurrence, leading to iron deficiency anemia in infants of breastfeeding causes mainly has following several aspects:

1, mother, in itself, anemia, causes of their physical condition, causing anaemia in children.

2, while the children were added to the supplementary food (typically 4-6 months) are still breast-fed or add slave less food intake, or added shall be deemed to cause iron deficiency anemia. Milk digestive absorption rate was high, much higher than the various formula enhanced milk products, but with a low iron content in breast milk, 100 g milk iron content of no more than 0.5 mg, and 100 grams of formula milk (powder) will reach the 5~11 mg of iron content. Infant growth is very fast, normal infants birth weight 5 months after 1 time, 1 increased twice. Infants after 4-6 months, stored iron in the body have been consumed, if only to low iron content of breast feeding, or non-infant formula milk powder for infant consumption or supplementary food (for example, only porridge for the child), can lead to iron deficiency anemia.

3, as a mother it is difficult to judge the amount of baby food at a time, if the baby has long enough, can also cause anemia.

4, certain factors that can affect the absorption of iron. Such as excessive calcium will affect the absorption of iron.

Therefore, mothers must be according to their physical condition to feed the baby. Do not think the milk is good not only for children added complementary food and do not think that breast milk can cause anemia in children and early weaning, just for children to drink milk.

Principles of feeding

Breastfeeding is best food for infants, in the 4-6 months ago, should be as (pure) breastfeeding, in insufficient breast or when not feeding breast milk, especially in infants after 4-6 months, should be added in a timely manner of infant formula foods for infant consumption. Or add such as egg yolks, beef, pork, chicken, fish and hemoglobin containing iron-rich and absorbing good animal food.

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