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Mar 15, 2011

Early childhood nutritional needs

Early childhood growth and development although not as good as babies rapidly, but still faster than older children and adults, nutrient demand remained relatively more energy, protein, fat, minerals and vitamins to adults about 50% of the demand, to 40~50 grams daily protein requirements , fat 35~40 grams per day.

However, parents tend to experience less than this period a large number of young children nutrition needs, often prematurely let them eat family meals. Although the child care and development of digestive enzymes of gastrointestinal function of more mature than infants, but chewing and digestion-absorption function is still not very sound. In view of the above, the children must intake of nutrients appropriate proportions of balanced diet, protein, fat and carbohydrate supply ratio should be at 1:1, can be neglected.

Children\'s nutrition and diet planning

Weaning Hou, if only to child care rice porridge, and steamed bread, and bread, and noodles, and soft rice, and dishes soup, protein and fat is will supply insufficient, will led development slow, resistance force low; if only more to fish, and meat, and egg, and milk, carbohydrates is supply insufficient, often cannot guarantee energy need; if rarely eat vegetable, and fruit, is will led mineral and vitamin lack, induced multiple nutrients lack syndrome.

Children\'s rational diet

Children\'s dietary characteristics: mainly from infancy to dairy meals, transition to mainly for cereals, plus food such as eggs, meat, fish, vegetable mixture, adult-like diet, meal cooking methods and the use of the food closer to General Household meals. But this diet change, and the gradual improvement of children\'s digestion and metabolism, also does not fit in too. Is not the gun, otherwise prone to disorders of digestive and absorptive functions in young children. 

Balanced diet: dietary nutrients in a day is complete in variety, appropriate, provided the calories and nutrient

s to meet physical needs of a children\'s meal.

Its nutrients including protein, fat, carbohydrate, dietary fiber, vitamins, water, inorganic salts. Its ratio of heat energy for protein 13~16%, fat accounted for 25~30% of thermal energy, carbon hydrate heat of 50~60%, the energy scale is 1:1. Select the type of food should be diversified and nutritious. Such as grain and cereals: rice beans and cereals potatoes election should, fine mix for the children\'s staple. Meat, eggs, milk: include livestock, poultry meat, eggs, dairy and animal offal, blood, animal protein to supplement infant, their total intake of protein 50%; vegetables fruits, variety of red, green and yellow vegetables to supplement the vitamins a, c, and iron, fruit, vitamin c, and so on. Grease: increase heat and fatty acids, enhance the flavor of dietary; hard fruit intake of carbohydrate should be less. Design daily diet should include a 15~30 kind of food. Made into a thick stream, half-flow-like restaurants and PAP, young children easy to chew, loves to eat and easy digestion and absorption. If after weaning are only feeding the children white porridge or soft white rice and vegetable soup, the protein and fat in short supply, stunted growth and development, disease resistance reducing; pay attention only to eggs, milk, meat, protein foods, 2~3sui young children still have 4 bags of milk, the shortage of carbon hydrates, can guarantee energy supply needs. Rarely eat vegetables, fruit, minerals such as calcium, iron and vitamin deficiency.

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