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Mar 15, 2011

Four higher neonatal immunity

Neonatal immunity characteristics often show development of immune system is not mature enough, features outstanding perfect extrauterine environment has not been exposed of all kinds of pathogens, and no contact with food and a wide variety of antigenic substances such as protein; impact of maternal antibody of is through the placenta during pregnancy, there were physiological neonatal immunity is low.
Neonatal serum immunoglobulin (Ig) most of the mother through the placenta in IgG, their own IgG synthesis of low ability, had fewer levels, and with the growth of children after birth, will gradually increase circulating volume, IgG concentrations declined rapidly. Neonatal leukocyte production and reserves are less when they are suffering from infection and serious disease, increases the consumption of white blood cells, thereby reducing the phagocytosis and fungicidal activity.

Therefore, enhanced neonatal immunity, reduce the chances of babies get sick is something that every parent needs attention, neonatal immune status and nutritional state, feeding of positive stimulation, as well as after birth are closely associated, parents can be developed to enhance this baby immunity programme.

Option one: rational nutrition

Nutrient requirements of neonatal period is high performance, limited digestive metabolism, therefore, requirements for nutrition is sufficient to ensure the growth and development needs without excessive feeding, so as to avoid the excessive burden of neonatal gastrointestinal, proper mastering rational nutrition to improve their health and resistance of the most decisive impact.

Daily intake of balanced nutrition to meet demand and improve immunity of the body. Proteins are the main components that make up the immune cells and antibodies, once the protein deficiency will cause decline in immune function. Vitamin c can stimulate the body manufactured interferon, add enough of vitamins to increase antibody, remove the virus and bacteria, so as to enhance immunity. -Carotene and other nutrients in the nicotine acid, Pantothenic acid, folic acid, vitamin B12, iron, zinc and enzyme are also associated with immunity.

Programme II: vaccination

Neonatal period although the immunoglobulin provides some antibodies from the mother, but for many infectious diseases are still a highly susceptible. Vaccination is effective method of resistance to pathogens, through early effective vaccination to prevent the worst infectious disease in newborns, such as tuberculosis, hepatitis b, and so on.

Neonatal period has more mature cells of the immune system function, response to Mycobacterium tuberculosis has been able to produce the appropriate and current BCG vaccination after birth, capable of TB infection to the appropriate immune effect. Neonatal period following immunization with hepatitis b vaccine has been proved to be a good immune response effects, prevention of hepatitis b vaccine immediately after birth, vaccinated 2 times, 1 month later, think prevention effect is positive, may put newborns under protection.

Scenario three: breastfeeding

Breast than generation dairy contains more of immune activity material, it can supply newborn by required of all nutrition material: protein, and fat, and lactose, and vitamin, and iron, and especially breast in the contains anti-infection of antibody (immune globulin) and the anti-infection of activity white cell, and double dismutase factor, and dissolved bacteria enzyme,, they has enhanced immune function, block harmful bacteria of growth, can reduced baby infection of opportunities. In preterm infants with early birth, as obtained from maternal antibodies less, their immune system is not yet mature, poor skin and mucosal defense, vulnerable to illnesses invasion of pathogenic factors and, therefore, need breastfeeding in premature infants.

Programme four: neonatal massage

Massage by neonatal skin gentle stimulation of the senses, causing systemic neural, endocrine and immune systems, such as a series of positive reactions, can promote the secretion of gastrointestinal hormones, help increase the child\'s appetite, promotes food digestion, absorption and excretion, accelerating the growth of body weight. Massage and also activity baby body muscles, body growth was more robust. In addition, skin stimulation on enhancing immune function has a direct and indirect effects, beneficial to the development of physical and mental health of the newborn.

Enhance neonatal immunity, reduce baby\'s chances of infection, in addition to the balanced and adequate nutrition, promote breastfeeding, vaccination and positive addition to effectively improve their health, develop a good habit to wash the baby\'s nursing and enhance indoor air is also very important.

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