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Mar 15, 2011

Varicella vaccine in pregnant women should avoid using

Pregnant women can get vaccinated? On this issue, you cannot simply use \"Yes\" or \"no\" answer, but according to the specific situation for specific analysis. For example, are mad dog bites later, must be timely injection of rabies vaccine in pregnant women, otherwise the hopes of survival are minimal, because rabies fatality rate is almost 100%.

Due to neonatal tetanus morbidity and mortality rates are higher, is a major factor threatening the lives of newborns, so pregnant women should be vaccinated against tetanus toxoid to prevent babies infected with tetanus. Injection in the 4th month of pregnancy the first needle, dose of 0.5 ml, 6 weeks after injection of 0.5 ml.

Staff working on has a high risk of hepatitis b infection (such as personnel working in the wards of hepatitis), General should timely injection of hepatitis b vaccines before pregnancy; husband of pregnant women or other family members and e Antigen positive hepatitis b surface antigen, should also be injection of hepatitis b vaccine. If you HBsAg-positive pregnant women, especially with e-Antigen positive, then the injection of hepatitis b vaccine in pregnant women not be effective, should be after childbirth, the national immunization injection of hepatitis b vaccine to children in a timely manner, to protect children against hepatitis b virus attacks.

Within 3 months of pregnancy flu vaccine in pregnant women (vaccine), you can prevent influenza associated with preterm birth, can also reduce the rate of influenza caused teratoma.

Do all inoculation to play? It\'s not. Varicella, rubella, measles, mumps, BCG, je and toxicity reduction of epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis, virus vaccines, oral polio vaccine and whooping cough vaccine, pregnant women should avoid using. Pregnant women who have a history of abortion, should not accept any prevention of vaccination. Therefore, vaccination, pregnant women not to name both diseases taboos \"species\" never comes, should introduce themselves to obstetricians and quarantine doctor pregnancy, past and present medical conditions and allergies, as appropriate by the doctors are to vaccination is not immunization. This is the right way.

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