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Mar 15, 2011

Code of 5 large prospective father take care of the pregnant wife

See the love for you, the other half contains the Crystal of love, looking forward to another new life coming, at this very moment, in addition to the excitement and gratitude, really there is a lot you can do! Also does not get going?!

1, working with a happy heart

Know about to upgrade to Dad when you will be as exciting as your wife, excited. When working for mother baby, please keep the mood, do well enough prepared, adjust their mentality, with thankful hearts and pregnant Mommy spend days of life, it makes you feel happy and at ease, the wife of Oh!

2, for his wife to feel your love

Pregnant women in very hard, and will be very sensitive, pregnant Mommy because Daddy\'s deed and change of mood. So you want to always pay attention this time pregnant mum, expressed in their own way, a carefully selected pair of platform shoes, of words in a sentence full of warmth, a carefully prepared dinner sth Will make her very happy.

3 knowledge, learning life

Not having a baby you will be able to upgrade for a good father, corresponding knowledge is expectant fathers to \"upgrade\" their necessary step. Together with his wife related parenting books and magazines, not only learned the necessary parental knowledge, when faced with the problem of not rush and pregnant Mommy will feel you are in the important task of full participation in inoculation-hearted baby.

4, to his wife some relief from burdens

Spawn a life, will give women unlimited joy and happiness. At the same time need to withstand the pressures are enormous. On the one hand from the physiological changes, to take a \"ball\" work and life, hard to imagine while pregnant Mommy was worried about the baby, do not allow him to have the slightest slip, stress is enormous. To reduce the psychological burden of pregnant Mommy, the main responsibility of course alight upon her husband.

5, feel the magic of life changes

In October, little life to the slowly forming from the bean sprout-like size. In the casual day, you will probably find him in his mother\'s womb movement, began to feel he can really exists, and he was greeted in a unique way with the father. Little lives will begin to help you establish a \"father\" concept!

Parents experience

I soon entered the role of a father

In the knowledge of pregnancy at that moment, my wife out of the tears with excitement, this feeling gives me a great deal of shock, I felt at once into the role that moment I decided to give my wife and baby you just come up to love. Therefore, every check I have arranged in advance, leave, accompanied by his wife; try to relieve pressure on her, so she can easily get through each day of pregnancy. (Baby dad every day 1

Because during pregnancy has become a happy memories

We are planning pregnancy, even if it I know baby, and at that moment, is very exciting. Although not showing too much, but I can feel it. Pregnancy in October, Mr looked after me very well, so when someone said, the pain of pregnancy when canot bear to think of the past, I think it\'s a blessing.

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