4-6 months after the baby, nutrients contained in breast milk would have been unable to meet the growth and development of your baby\'s needs, timely complementary food for babies can\'t wait. However, its formula of rice noodles on the market, how should we choose? Draw on experience of relatives and friends, still believe in advertising hype publicity? However, as the baby after the birth of the second peak of growth, complementary food phase is the baby growing up on the road of a crucial period, carefully selected for the baby formula food supplement is important.
Many parents wonder, not everyone is great nutrition, as an ordinary consumer, the choice of formula-powder when will some of both scientific and practical methods, make it easy for parents to select the most useful formula-powder on baby health it? Here we introduce a simple and practical formula-powder selection approach, parents only see table and formula of nutrient composition on the packaging, you can choose to most useful formula-powder for babies.
First, there is the nutrient tables, type of formula-powder contain nutrients we can at a glance. In General, the type of formula-powder contain nutrients on the market ranging from a dozen to two dozen species. Trace element, vitamin type of basis of how many babies grow, so mothers at this point is in any case are not lazy.
Understanding formula-powder type of number, you need to match between the various nutrients. Because the human body the required majority is not a separate absorption and digestion of nutrients. For example, in favour of iron absorption of vitamin c, vitamin d helps absorption of calcium, DHA and iodine to help infant brain development, zinc fastest growth period in infants is more important, the requirement of relatively greater than adults. However, due to the oxidation of vitamin c easier in the air, only a vacuum packing or an inert gas packaging environment can be effectively added.
Finally parents need attention, is in the application of rice flour in the process of adding sugar. Most of the formula on the market today varying amounts of white granulated sugar is added to flour, milk powder. For infants, premature added sugar easily lead to the baby in the future not only of obesity, tooth decay, and so on, also easily lead to baby too much dependence on sugar. Therefore to babies washed rice flour in the process of regulating not to add sugar, if possible, try to choose not to add cane sugar recipe rice flour.
Production first Nestlé rice noodle in the world, Nestlé rice flour with vacuum packaging on the market today to ensure nutrients. Nestlé rice flour containing more than 20 kinds of nutrients, insisted on adding sucrose sugar and starch hydrolysis (CHE technology) that make rice noodles more delicate, and at the same time reduce the burden on the digestive tract of children, increase the rate of absorption, effectively put fire prevention.
All in all, through the careful study of formula, we can select the most simple and accurate for the baby formula of high quality rice flour, it is because such tips, parents can become a nutrition in life.
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