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Mar 15, 2011

Preparatory work before pregnancy go fine

Small text \"before pregnancy preparation\" begins! \"All to pregnancy for Center\", listen to people said pregnancy Qian to more rest, she simply remarks off work, dang up \"busy\" wife; to avoid in public places infection germs, Obumi to own closed in home, door does not out, second door does not Mai; and fear pregnancy Shi pregnancy reaction strongly, wanted to eat also eat does not down, she began \"three days a dabu, two days a small supplement\", weight with of line surged!

Not only for their \"high standards and strict demands\", Obumi \"my baby daddy\" is also a \"strict custody\": to her husband to give up smoking, alcohol, and quit Coke; don\'t watch television, do not open the computer, not a mobile, and made home seem to have installed a time bomb, both of them are always come.

Nervous self-defeating

In fact, pregnant preparation before completely unnecessary such as Obumi so with caution. If due to highly tense and worried, depressed, nervous and other undesirable emotional, but will affect the quality of sperm and eggs.

Obumi and her husband all living in \"Storm\" atmosphere, the mood certainly no better where to. If so affected the harmony of life, that it was really \"big\".

Expert reminder: in the planning stages of pregnancy, husband and wife should maintain feelings of peace, happy and harmonious life, emotional stability and relaxation.

Blind supplement counterproductive

Supplementary nutrition before pregnancy have to vary from person to blindly supplement is not desirable. Women can supplement nutrition body emaciated, anemia, in order to improve their health. But if the Obumi is more fat, this time should be taken to avoid excess weight too fast, nutrition.

Pregnant women during the whole pregnancy weight gain normal at around 12 kg, weight once over on itself and the fetus is harmful, easily lead to macrosomia. If the weight before pregnancy \"run out\", after the pregnancy is not easy to control.

Expert reminder: before pregnancy should keep eating a balanced diet, wealth of fresh food. Not to a partial eclipse, not engorgement. In addition, in order to reduce loss of fetal neural tube. Woman from 400-800 micrograms daily folate before pregnancy 3 month.

Motionless body negative

Before pregnancy prevention of colds are necessary, you can try to avoid human traffic more in public places. But if it \"like a parasite whose four limbs do not toil\", it will \"pick up the lost Sesame, watermelons.\" Medical research shows that lack of adequate physical exercise before pregnancy is not conducive to reasonable adjustment of the female hormone, females of obesity due to a lack of exercise, very susceptible to diabetes during pregnancy. The husband without proper exercise will affect sperm quality.

Expert reminder: in order to have a healthy body in which the next generation, both men and women should have a destination for some sports, such as jogging or swimming at least 1~2 times a week. Of course, it is too fierce to avoid some of the movement, not to make the body feel too tired.

Radiation to the appropriate protection

Do not have computers, precise analysis of the influence of television on pregnancy because it is produced by radiation, the radiation is ubiquitous. Experts advise: If you need continuous use computers at work more than eight hours, it is recommended that pregnant three months before couples can put on a radiation-proof clothes.

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