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Mar 15, 2011

Understanding knowledge of preterm birth

Preterm birth is the full 28 zhouzhi between 37 weeks \' gestation (196-258 day) delivery. General in 1000~2499 gram weight in infants born during this period, various organs of the body development of immature neonates, referred to as premature.

Premature delivery common incentives

About 30% of no obvious cause of preterm birth, general cause of preterm mainly for unhealthy habits in pregnant women or pregnant women, fetuses itself unusual. Next, we will from both pregnant women and fetus describes the common causes of preterm birth.

Pregnant women:

Uterine malformation, cervical insufficiency, uterine myoma. 

With acute or chronic diseases, such as viral hepatitis, acute nephritis and pyelonephritis, acute appendicitis, viral pneumonia, acute diseases such as high fever, rubella; or severe anaemia, hyperthyroidism, diabetes, heart disease, hypertension and other chronic diseases. 

Complicated with pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome. 

Smoking, drug addiction, alcoholism, severe malnutrition. 

Other incentives, such as long distance travel sharp fluctuations and other physical, emotional or mental burden; direct abdominal operative procedure on shock, trauma, sexual intercourse or irritation.

Fetal placental connection:

Placenta previa and Placental Abruption split. 

Too much or too little amniotic fluid, multiple pregnancies. 

Fetal abnormalities, abnormal fetal position. Premature rupture of membranes, intrauterine infection.

Preterm birth signs

Threatened preterm labour: uterine contraction occurs, at least once every 10 minutes, 30 seconds at a time, which lasted more than 1 hour.

Preterm Labor: in addition to the regular uterine contractions, short interval, duration lengthens and the strength outside the increasing, also accompanied by cervical dilation is greater than 2 cm, or progressive Cervical Dilatation, and accompanied by bloody secretion of vaginal or fetal membranes was torn, and similar labour term pregnancy.

Nursing care of premature infants

Prevent infection: in addition to specialized people who look after the baby, it is best not to let other people walk into the room in preterm infants, not to take the baby for Foreign relatives and neighbors to see. In front of the baby to baby breastfeeding or contact, to put on clean clothes (or private coats of disinfection), SOAP and hot water wash hands before breastfeeding, avoid cross infection.

Keep warm: preterm infants to be aware of heat preservation, but the insulation does not mean that the boy on the cover of Yan was. In home care, the indoor temperature should be maintained at 24 ℃ ~28 ℃, indoor relative humidity in 55%~65%, if the room temperature does not meet the, you can consider using warm water bags to child thermal insulation. Infant body temperature should be maintained at 36 ° c ~37 ° c, and the temperature in the afternoon on 1, when the maximum temperature and minimum temperature difference of more than 1 ° c, shall take appropriate measures to ensure the stability of body temperature. When the baby weight when less than 2, temporarily unable to bathe every 2-3 days with baby oil can wipe the baby at the neck, armpit, thigh root, fold. If the weight of more than 3 kilograms, infants at a time when up to 100 ml, as with normal newborn a bath. But in the cold season, to be aware of indoor temperature and the temperature of the bath.

Fed: more breastfeeding in premature infants. Because preterm birth in the mother\'s milk contains all the nutrients and amino acids can fully meet the nutritional needs of premature infants, and mother\'s milk is more conducive to digestion and absorption of preterm birth, can also increase the immunity of premature infants against infection is very useful. Mother to premature contact as much as possible, if the hospital room of mother and infant wards are available, it is recommended that mother accompany baby stay together. For not sucking or sucking force weak babies, mother sucking sucking on time (at least once in every 3 hours), and then suck out milk to feed to the baby.

Touch: touching on tactile stimulation of the baby will bring, in the brain form a reflection, then baby eyes, hands and feet can be full of activities, help to promote the development of baby\'s intelligence.

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