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Mar 15, 2011

Talk about the child\'s resistance and immunity

Some children are at increased risk of diseases such as respiratory infections, and some went on to be suffering from bronchitis, pneumonia, etc; but some children are rarely sick. Why different physique and health status of children have such a big difference? This is because each child\'s different resistance and immunity.

Resistance of the human body, medically called \"nonspecific immunity\". This is the human form in the long course of evolution, is a child from birth, have and maintain the life of the body\'s defense capabilities.

Characterized by non-specific immune resistance, General resistance, rather than a characteristic of the disease. Resistance in the maintenance of human health benefits, function is its broad weakness is not a specific target.

For example, outside of the body, intact skin barrier to many kinds of pathogen invades, also has bactericidal effects of substances on the skin surface, protecting their own health. Therefore, only when in skin injury, damage to the integrity of the skin, prone to inflammatory or suppurative and invades deep. Child stabbed by Cactus, nails and other sharp objects or injured, although only minor skin injuries, but can easily lead to systemic diseases, tetanus is one such infection.

For example, in our body, composed of PIA mater in the brain, brain capillaries \"blood-brain barrier\", played a prevent pathogens in blood with blood circulation invade the brain, defence role of brain disease victims. Therefore, only when the blood-brain barrier is jeopardized, the pathogen is easy with the blood-brain, or some of the virus through blood-brain barrier, will only cause of meningitis, encephalitis.

Children in sustained tension, excessive fatigue, malnutrition, fever, cold, suffering from chronic diseases, or parents to drug abuse will decrease its resistance. In everyday life and learning, parents not arranged for young children was too intense learning activities; in eating, children without favoritism, not fussy, remain rational nutrition; children sick with combination of Chinese and Western medicine, timely and thorough treatment, prevent into chronic diseases (such as tonsillitis, bronchitis, asthma, etc); Note that the physical exercise of children; not freely give their children medication. These aspects are well, it is helpful in improving children\'s resistance.

Child resistant strength, by observing the State of his health in General, you can make a rough estimate: good health, body immunity is strong or weak.

The human body the immunity, in medicine known as \"specific immunity\". It is in the development process of their development, are pathogens stimulation, produced in the body. It is characterized by a strong minded-specific, that is, by which pathogens of stimulation, produces immunity against pathogens, and not against other pathogens.

In the immunity process, pathogens are known as the \"antigens\", stimulate the human body caused by disease of the immune substance known as \"antibodies\", while producing cell immunity. Vaccine is the use of this principle, minus the pathogenicity of pathogens or pathogen killing, made from Antigen, vaccination to the human body, only produce antibodies, so that it no longer causes disease, play a role in prevention of this pathogen.

For example, children were vaccinated against measles vaccine produces immunity for measles virus in the body; oral polio vaccine produces immunity against poliovirus; were vaccinated against meningococcal vaccine produces immunity against meningococcal, prevention of epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis. So targeted specialized, vaccination in preventing many infectious diseases will require multiple vaccines are line, and who vaccination who benefit. Vaccination has become the most effective means of prevention of infectious diseases.

Children of immunity, is unable by reason of his health to evaluate. Although some children strong, resistance is strong, but not the vaccination does not have a special immunity.

In General, you can with the determination of the existence of a certain type of antibody in human blood and its strength, with the monitoring and inspection methods in order to make immune strength judgment, to understand your child\'s special immunity.

Understanding and enhancing child resistance and immunity, so that it maintains a robust State, so that children naturally enhances disease resistance capacity.

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