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Mar 15, 2011

Understand how urine baby health


Mama don\'t underestimate your baby\'s daily urination, it can reflect the baby\'s body is healthy. Mothers may wish to do more to understand, so that early detection of abnormal baby body.

Baby behavior of normal urine

1, color:

Under normal circumstances, most of baby\'s urine showed colorless and transparent or light yellow, hold back slightly after a short settling. But shades of color and amount of water in urine and sweat about, drinking water, sweat less baby urine volume and light color, less drinking, sweating more baby urine volume less color depth; the first discharge of urine in the morning usually, deep color than the day.

Intimate Tip:

The cold season, some baby urine color is white, and there is a white precipitate. This phenomenon is mostly due to the baby\'s kidneys had not yet mature, if eating spinach, amaranth, bananas, apples, oranges, persimmons, and so more food containing phosphate, oxalate and calcium carbonate, is expelled from the body after cold forming crystals, appear in the urine sediment. If you include vinegar in the urine or urine after heating, can make urine clarified, not anomaly.

2, smell:

Baby fresh urine not smell, place a long time, factoring out the effects of urea in the urine, ammonia smell issued.

Intimate Tip:

If discharge of urine smell, it is the manifestation of the disease.

3, and brightness:

Normal urine is very clear, is almost colorless. Sometimes just when urine is very clear, the last Hun, however most of this is normal.

Intimate Tip:

When the baby when inflammation of the urethra, there are a lot of pus cells and white blood cells in urine, urine may become turbid, sometimes blood in the urine, urinary tract infections, when most baby fever, painful urination, urinary frequency.

From found in urine of abnormal signal

1. urine color yellow

Just was born of baby urine color yellow, usually is because newborn jaundice disease caused by, except this performance outside, while with skin, and scleral (eye from the ball), Department of yellow; larger of baby urine color deep yellow, while with fever, and weak, and appetite obvious decline, and nausea, and vomiting, does not apply, and in abdominal liver area of parts has tenderness, is may is-patient has jaundice sexual hepatitis.

2 and urine color red

Usually is hematuria, hematuria is many disease of signal, can due to urinary road itself of disease caused by, as various nephritis, and urinary tract infection, and urinary tract stones, and urinary tract injury, and urethral malformation, and renal vascular disease and the renal tumor,, also can by General disease caused, as shock, and heart failure, and bleeding sexual disease and the vitamin c, and vitamin k lack, also can by and medication or near organ disease led hematuria.

3, urinary frequency

Baby, urinating frequently, if not accompanied by increased urine volume, may be pathological, should bring baby to the hospital as soon as possible to diagnose further. Therefore, Mommy to baby observation is accompanied by increase in urine volume, if urine output also increased, often caused by physiological reasons. Of course, Mummy, note the exclude mental factors of urinary frequency, this case baby does not increase the amount of urine. Urinary frequency due to removal of mental factors, symptoms disappear at once.

4, less urine

There was a little baby diarrhea, fever, kidney urinary should observe the baby, if it is caused by diarrhoea, fever, need to add the amount of liquid; if accompanied by edema should strictly limit the intake of water and salt to avoid increasing oedema.

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