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Mar 15, 2011

During pregnancy

Q: I haven\'t to vacation for a 12th day today. and sometimes also rises in the chest pains. today I used test strip test is negative. arguably did nights a week can be measured is? my pregnancy might do?

Answer: it should be is the subject. But also depends on your vacation is not very accurate?
On alternate days and measured again, to use urine, OH (that is, the first urine of the morning), I wish you good pregnancy!
A: you are stopped after 12 days, was also stopped after 42 days, and if it is stopped after 42 days, this time can be measured. If it was 12 days, it temporarily or not logging out, baby is too young.
Answer: as soon as possible to the hospital knew it

Baby new year travel supplies list

Baby new year travel supplies list

So-called clothing, food, housing, and transportation. So, let me first talk about the clothes:

1, fitting underwear 1-3 set: journeys near and far, must at least take a set, because the baby is likely to play in breast feeding, drinking, or when it\'s wet, because of the cold weather, be sure to replace in a timely manner, or cold more trouble!

2, coats, 1-2 shirt dress in 2-3.

3-5 3, trousers: because playing baby pants may be wet or dirty, they must be prepared by more than a few.

4, paper diapers: several

5, small handkerchief: 1-5: don\'t underestimate the little handkerchief, it may be the use of large! It can in journey used to to baby do clean health, also can with in baby of clothes or cuffs wet has of when (baby wash Shi often will lane wet cuffs of) or Dang baby playing of sweat Shi, backs certainly is wet of, then with small handkerchief to do within pad, (as long as to wet of cuffs rolled up, to small handkerchief pad in on good) such on does not be for clothes has.

6, large shawl or snow clothes 1: both for the wind and when the baby asleep when the baby quilt cover.

7, socks: a number of

8, hat.

9, pillow 1: Although, we can use your baby\'s clothes are folded to him as a pillow, but if it was a long trip, with a baby\'s own little pillows, or will it make the baby sleep enjoy.

Baby clothing tips:

Winter of baby wear clothes is not underwear + thick sweater + large coat on good, actually such is most easy order baby cold of wear method. because, baby of activities ability is strong of, if Dang he playing of sweat Shi immediately on to coat de has, suddenly of cold, will order he is easy on cold of. comparison suitable of wear method is: as far as possible more wear several layer within shirt, then plus a sweater and coat. such, even baby playing was sweating, took off one or two pieces clothes has, also does not feeling too cold. comparison has retreat

Second, food

1, bottle: at least 3. Truth is: one mounted cool water, don\'t underestimate this Oh, travel abroad, most hard to find in the cool water, and when your baby when you want to drink water or milk, often against mothers in order to not to a suitable temperature and worry! Two more bottles, insulation bag, and a mounted water reserve, a Pack just for water, preparation of baby drinks at any time. Here, I strongly recommend the baby bottle warmer with car on dual-use, it can really be effective when it\'s traveling water problems and the question of disinfection of tableware. In the car, in hotels, where there is power there will be ready for use.

2, cool or aiding digestion of Orexin infusion, some packages. Very often, when we travel, and eat a lot of local snacks or snack, coupled with the fatigue of the journey, baby is easy to put fire, so with the infusion, can be effective in preventing, and because most of these granules has a sweet taste, you can bring the baby when the kinds of, water added, in one fell swoop.

3, snack: although I do not agree to the baby snacks, but in the boredom of the journey, especially when open coach, also needs to prepare some could fool the baby.

4, milk: milk boxes are available in short-distance travel, but when the long journey to bring the entire cans of milk powder, because the box of milk powder moisture-proof function is too limited.

5, baby your tableware (glass, chopsticks, Bowl, spoon): don\'t expect very clean everywhere tableware for use by babies, even, it may not fit well.

Third, live

Travel must first solve the housing problem. Remember that when we go to Panyu, because there was no good hotels, there are already 8 o\'clock in the evening, also looking for place to live, and the baby because the strain of the day with their biological clock to sleep, irritability in the car make a tearful scene, the kind of taste really awkward!

Four, row

1 to facilitate the collection of the folding trolley 1: baby\'s physical strength, unlike the adults, running, jumping, playing tired is sleep, MOM and dad holding also walked a short distance line, holding long strength does not work, babies are uncomfortable, so little cart at this time is a good solution to this problem. Also, when baby does not sit when carts, hand-carried large Mommy bag, can also be placed in the top, effective energy-saving, Oh.

2, good for baby, good for you small Kit 1: there should at least placed drugs: hemostasis waterproof cloth, Huoxiang zhengqi pills or marching powder (climate sickness drugs or stomach upset), and oral liquid or pill Hawthorn (travel in the outer most in need of prevention is your baby\'s stomach problems), double flying trapeze syrup or Baihua oil and motion sickness medicine.

3, and tissue

4, plastic bags, a number of: you might wonder how I will say this stuff? Think about! Is it uses a lot of Ah?!

5, pure water, at least 1 box: when the baby could not find a suitable water, it will come in handy:) and when the baby is not necessary, I believe you have to drink.

6, electric mosquito repellent or mosquito stick.

7, baby your wash and skin care products.

8, the baby is their favorite toys: stay in the car for a long time, babies need their favorite toy to boredom and distraction.

Easier pregnancies that day?

Q: sisters, prepare for pregnancy in May, has not pregnancy, menstruation days respectively on January 19, February 16, March 15, April 10, May 6, this month was June 3, menstrual period is 5-6 days, 7th clean. I ovulation day should be the days of June, I\'m so worried, because the husband to travel frequently, poly off much less! If the time missed, waiting, waiting for the day is a torment, shares a room the day of the month should be easy for us is pregnant? Thank you

A: MM I like you the night of June 3,, I\'m going to be pregnant in the end a six-month ... Menstrual today just clean, also now in waiting, ovulation will have transparent leucorrhea drawing, poor appetite, you buy a paper note in passing, and preferably every morning when not doing anything to have your body temperature, are higher than usual! I wish you good pregnancy

A: usually ovulation period is in the middle two periods of a few days. About 14 days before the next menstruation. You can calculate your own

A: no can also go to the drugstore to buy ovulation test strip measuring, I also use this approach, now that my baby was born 9 months the

Babies use toys eight points for attention parents

Toys are the most intimate partner child childhood, for the baby, does not mean that play, babies can see toy colors, shapes, toys sound of, hard and soft touch toys and a series of activities, stimulate the development of baby\'s sight, hearing, touch, and so on. Perception of children but also to transport all kinds of stimulation of the brain signals, promoting the development of brain functions. However toys is good, when babies use toys, has eight points require attention parents:

A baby within the scope of activities, all power sockets shield; ensure that the front door, the door closed, so that the baby climb to outdoor danger.

Two parents note purchase cleaning the toys. Because the baby likes to keep everything in his mouth.

Before the three to baby toys, to ensure that the toy parts no wobbles or falls off.

Playing four not to leave the baby alone there are many small parts of toys, so that the baby swallowing parts accidents.

Five-ensure the safety of toys, furniture materials can make the baby bites (toys, furniture that you want to use non-toxic paint, fabrics and dyes).

Six inside and outside the examination room toys have sharp corners or debris, particularly those with prolonged use of old toys.

Seven use qingshuihe SOAP to clean babies use toys in a timely manner. Detergents in the shops to buy green SOAP tincture for a class of powerful liquid soap. Toy washing drying in the Sun after the clean disinfection.

Eight not heavy boxes of toys into the top cover to prevent roof fall accidents, short Cabinet and activities parents can use open boxes to receive toys.

Urgent, please help!!

Q: I YJ, 23rd, and today should PL? Recently using David PL paper measuring many times, a long article to something a little bit, look carefully, leucorrhea these days as Qing nose, said this PL on reading, sisters analysis help me with it! Baby!! Thank you

A: you YJ must be allowed to see, and should be nearly 3 days PL, feeling very important Oh, don\'t think that too worry will affect their ~ in the next few days a week before the best of the combination of different rooms, as JY at high concentrations, bigger chance ~ I wish you good pregnancy!

Answer: light is just beginning to PL have not a peak, but ML. wish you good pregnancy

A: pharmacies within a 15 days can now detect whether pregnancy, probably around $ 7. Very accurate.

A: the continued observation of measurement, should be almost the same. Oh, don\'t miss the opportunity. can look in to hospital now the follicles, Follicular

Help to see what is going on Ah!

Q: my menstrual period is May 7, 7th hasn\'t come this month, not know are not pregnant at all! Last night I try with a pregnancy test (Note: logging after Sydney I was drinking chrysanthemum tea, but also at night, would be for this reason too! ), Not pregnancy, is likely not logging out! My menstrual period is 30 days

A: normally for a variety of factors to is very normal for a day or two later, I suggest you wait a few days to see old friends will come under, if still did not come under the test, if the measure is still not pregnant will focus to see a doctor.

A: I suggest you test once, morning time is the best test!

A: I suggest you test once, morning time is the best test!

Baby not ill, tricks raise the baby immunity

1 life, breastfeeding--first immunization

Contains a lot of immune substances in breast milk, can increase the baby immunity and resistance, to prevent the baby from viruses and illness. Can say that breastmilk is immune for the first time in life, so don\'t miss the opportunity to babies fed breast milk.

2, touch--improve the baby\'s blood circulation

In the birth canal during natural childbirth contraction, squeeze the fetus, is a beneficial physical contact, to baby\'s development of the nervous system. After birth, the mother\'s physical contact, will let small babies have a lot of sense, you can promote your baby\'s physical development, strengthen muscles, make the joints more flexible, is especially useful for preterm infants with birth weight less; touch can improve the baby\'s blood circulation and improve immunity; improving food digestion and absorption, reduced crying and improve sleep.

3, immunization vaccination--proactive response

For the baby against infectious diseases and vaccination is humanity the positive measures taken, such as BCG tuberculosis prevention, oral polio vaccine to prevent polio (polio), hepatitis b vaccine to prevent hepatitis b, and so on. Parents must be on time for the baby vaccinations.

4, regular life habits-the biological clock in rhythm rotation

Growing children need plenty of sleep a day, if your child sleep at night not enough, you can ask him to NAP during the day. Weekend with baby to the fresh air of the Park to play one more play, the body healthy.

5, a balanced diet-enhance defense function

Modern children easy partial eclipse, nutritional imbalance will cause a decline in resistance. Meat, eggs, fresh fruit and vegetable varieties as diverse as possible, eat less deep fried, smoked roasted, sweet foods.

6, do not eat their fill-avoid excessive burden of spleen and stomach

Infant viscera delicate, digestion and absorption feature is not yet per

fect. Although strong growth, nutrient needs urgent, however, movement of spleen and stomach digestive function of relative shortage, if they eat their fill, gastrointestinal burden, digestive disorders, prone to indigestion, abdominal pain, leading to diseases such as gastroenteritis and dyspepsia.

7, drink boiled water – keep mucous membrane moist

Drink plenty of water to maintain the mucous membrane moist, become an important defense against bacteria. Kindergarten, going on to a child carrying a water bottle, thirsty to drink at any time. Note to drink boiled water, instead of sugary drinks.

8, not too clean – forming immune memory

Immune memory to the original form of infectious disease of the immune system, if it should meet again, you can quickly eliminate it. If your home is too clean, children have no chance infection produce antibody, but weakened body resistance, and can cause allergic and autoimmune disorders, usually as long as you use ordinary SOAP and water to achieve clean results.

9, good health habits-prevents the mouth

Although excessive antibiotic, clean useless healthy, but still want to cultivate their basic hygiene, especially before eating and wash hands after toilet, you can prevent the mouth.

10, not free to use-antibiotics-immune systems get exercise

When the infection is not very serious, try not to use antibiotics, but by its resistance, the immune system to be exercising. So when the next encounter the same sort of \"enemies\", have trained immune cell will produce a targeted immunity, so as to protect the physical security.

11, keep indoor air fresh – clear pollution risks

68% disease associated with indoor air pollution. Such as dust, heavy metals, ozone, dust, dander, batting, fibre, various parasites, cigarette smoke, building materials and decoration materials, cosmetics, detergents, pesticides, aerosol dispenser agent. Baby of the family to open doors and Windows f

or air regularly if the family decoration, especially the kids room decoration, to choose green materials.

12, promptly added clothes-reduction-adapting to the external environment

Baby cold or hot, very love sick. Therefore for baby clothing to moderate, General and as adults. If you touch the neck become damp after stating much clothes, to take off one piece; if the touching hands are cold, instructions to wear less, to add clothes.

13, a good family atmosphere – to stimulate immune activity

Good mood may stimulate the immune system activity, so as to play a role in adequately protect the body. Parents for the baby to create a harmonious family atmosphere, is a prerequisite for baby\'s immune system in good condition.

Transfers from the 39 health network

Follicular monitoring results, please help me analyze

Q: menstrual 16th day, follicular monitoring results are as follows: the uterus before: 5.1*4.5*3.3;
Intima 0.8;
Muscle echo, bilateral ovarian visible, see multiple vesicles echoes, larger on the left 1.3*1.3;
Doctors said that in the thin, follicular small, is likely to be insufficient lutein; ask me to three more days to do follicular monitoring, after reading the results and conclusions;
But the sisters said, this can cause infertility, and some say that ovulation may be postponed, growth of follicles and films also find;
I am confused, worry they will have any problem, may I ask, what would this question? Thank you, you help me analyze!!!!

Answer: follow the doctor \'s, and then to go back in a few days, 1.3*1.3 eggs are small and has not yet come when row, usually to about 19*20MM is a good advantage of egg. look in again in a few days and then what do you want to add estradiol.


Q: my menstrual period is May 7, 7th hasn\'t come this month, not know are not pregnant at all! Last night I try with a pregnancy test (Note: logging after Sydney I was drinking chrysanthemum tea, but also at night, would be for this reason too! ), Not pregnancy, is likely not logging out! My menstrual period is 30 days

A: just over two days, likely delaying the!!!

Best to wait test today, first morning urine in the morning the most!!!!

Low immunity baby experts to zhizhao

Recently, in children with rotavirus increased sharply across the country,such as hospital of Guangzhou daily receiving hundreds of cases in children, many under 2 years old, weakened immune systems \"littlechildren\" have been subjected to raids. For pediatricians to remind the general public:have now entered a period of high infection of rotavirus, sufficient attention should be paid to the general public,from nutrition and immunization, hygiene and other aspects set out to do preventive work.
Central South University Xiang ya Medical College Pediatric Zhang Baolin Professor to reporter describes,wheel shaped virus has is strong of infectious, main by manure-mouth spread, 2 aged following infantbecause gastrointestinal road physiological function and immune system development does not sound , easy became wheel shaped virus of \"high made crowd\", patients may appears fever, and diarrhea, and vomiting, multiple symptoms,serious Shi also will raised encephalitis, and pneumonia, various complications. Because of current clinical no cure quick treatment, therefore,once the home of the child similar symptoms occur, best taken to the hospital for treatment,avoid treatment with antibiotics, so as not to cause severe consequences.
For wheel shaped virus of prevention, Zhang professor said,vaccination wheel shaped virus vaccine is a way, but because wheel shaped virus has many type,currently of test device only inspection out has the virus, cannot identified virus belonging to which a type ,therefore playing vaccine Hou still has opportunities infection, parents were not lightly,to moments note improve children of health status, such as feed children Qian seriously wash,on children of toys also should often cleaning,.


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In addition,increases immunity are important mechanism for the prevention of rotavirus infection,Professor Zhang recommended if circumstances permit, mothers try breastfeeding the child, in human milk \"milk lectin\" inhibition of adhesion and invasion of rotavirus,have a long-term effect on immune system in infants. If there are insufficient milk or weaning,you can choose some rich \"milk lectin\" formula,such as o-optimal capacity on the market such as milk powder, these milk powders contain immune components higher,to a certain extent, improve the immunity of infants , prevention of rotavirus infection.
By understanding, as global\'s first nutrition immune strengthening formula milk powder,o excellent ability more milk powder has Australia o excellent international infant nutrition immune research center under breastlatest research results development of advanced formula,is domestic minority contains milk agglutination pigment components of milk powder products one ,can effective strengthening Baby itself anti-wheel shaped virus of ability, apart from rich milk agglutination pigment outside,o excellent ability more milk powder also contains SIgA (secretion type immune globulin-a), and mucus pigment, andgrowth factor TGF-beta, and GLA (gamma-flax acid) , and milk iron protein, and GMP (sugar giant peptide), and milk Phospholipid, close to breast of components, comprehensive care baby health.

How to develop your child\'s self-esteem

Parents on the child\'s early education was spent a lot of thought into, because the child is the hope and future parents. However, although the parents were very hard, but may not be appropriate. Then, on children\'s psychological, behavioral habits, low self-esteem, confidence has an impact. Next, we\'ll talk about how to develop your child\'s self-esteem.

Fostering children\'s self-esteem is an important and arduous task, when the kids start to try new things on their own time, pride is the cornerstone of his success. Following 10 policy helps develop the child\'s self-esteem.

Love children. Parents love their children, children to healthy development, more dignified, more weight. Hug him, kiss him, patted him on the shoulder, don\'t forget to tell him how much you love him.

Don\'t bring children. If he wants to talk to you, you just leave the computer or turn off the TV, the sufficient time to answer a question. Eye eye to look at him, in order to show that you are really listening to him. This pride is a miraculous effect on children, because it passed a message to the children will feel that he is in the minds of your important and valuable.

Reasonable rules. Give your children a few reasonable rules, some hard and fast requirement will make him more of a sense of family. You may want to reiterate over and over again, but it won\'t be long before he would have to comply with these rules as you wish.

Take health risks. Encourage your children to do some new exploration, such as the taste of a different type of food, making friends, learning to ride a bicycle. Although he is likely to fail, but not adventure how to succeed at all. Therefore, in the case of security, let the child go test, control-level intervention.

Allows to make mistakes. Children will inevitably make mistakes. Lessons learned from mistakes of great value, helps children cultivate self-confidence. So, if your child dishes too close to the table, results have, that would encourage him, think about the next time that you do not turn. So that his pride would not be harmed, he would understand that occasionally mistakes are allowed.

Congratulations and appreciation in a timely manner. Every day you should have to thanked him for his good performance, good practice and recognition. Enjoy mother sincere praise and father encouraging response, children will feel warm, comfortable, and more useful.

To listen to. If a child wants to talk, you put down your hands work, listen to what he said. Children with emotional, whether happy or sad, you have to do is recognized his feelings and show that you pay attention to what he said to him. If you share your feelings with him, he will have more confidence to your sense of revealing his thoughts.

Do not where rivalries. \"Why don\'t you learn your sister? \"Such comments will only make the child is suffering, humiliation, he put on jealous, competitive approach. Even positive contrast are equally destructive, such as \"all the players, you have the best\", children will find him and the image of this far. However, if a child know that you appreciate him because he is a unique person, he will more easily understand the value of his own.

Give compassion. If a child feels like his brothers and sisters or their peers, so first you sympathetic to him, and stressed that one of his strengths. This can help kids recognize, feet have long, inch have short, all of us have an advantage, there are disadvantages, he does not have to because of his perfect self-denial.

Encourage less praise. Every child needs support from relatives, they all want to get information from your loved ones: \"I believe you, I know you very hard. Come on! \"Encourage value is, indicating that you agree with the progress he has made--and not just his achievements. Encourage in praise, former Awards, which reward people. Recognition will let your child feel that he\'s only doing things perfect, outstanding performance is \"good\" children. So be careful with praise, more encouragement.

Small comments on the series: parents we treat still in the growth of the children, to have sufficient patience and confidence. Eyes tend to encourage and support will give children a great deal of courage and strength. Believe every parents want their children of the Sun, health and happiness. So some of you please correct your \"error\" approach. More part of the future for their children.

Maternal supplement calcium for baby health

Do you know? Eczema, laryngeal stridor, night surprise, night crying, cramping, abdominal pain, late rickets, teeth, tooth decay, anorexia, irritability, poor, the brain activity of active sth Babies of these diseases may be associated with mother calcium deficiency during pregnancy and lactation.

Therefore, if you want to have a cute baby, it is necessary to lay a solid foundation for health in pregnancy. If a mother can ensure adequate intake of calcium every day, more benefits for the baby:

1. Prevention of rickets.

Congenital rickets, neonatal Fontanelle increases, Fontanelle before and after the same, and often accompanied by low calcium convulsions. Mothers of such infants often with lumbar back pain in pregnancy, leg cramps, hand, foot and hypocalcemia symptoms such as numbness. Therefore, reasonable calcium supplement to mother newborn to prevent rickets.

2. Prevention of eczema.

Also known as \"infantile eczema\", there are many theories about the cause of it, but recent studies suggest that vascular spasms, local to low calcium blood supply deficiency will cause rashes, skin, skin flakes. Anti inflammatory and reducing the role of vascular permeability of calcium, calcium supplement in the treatment of eczema with other drugs not to function.

3. Prevention of laryngeal stridor.

2-3 months of laryngeal stridor is a newborn or infant breathing when \"Hulu Hulu\" breath of sound. It is the result of laryngeal cartilage softening due to calcium deficiency. If mother calcium supplement in a timely manner, we can reduce the incidence of this disease.

4. reduce the night crying.

Old baby cries in the night, but no other disease and, in fact, this is because the baby is calcium deficiency, if the amount of babies not getting enough, symptoms of night crying will be effectively controlled.

5. preventing night terrors.

Because of the half before the age of the baby\'s brain development of the nervous system immaturity, poor control, causing a phenomenon of night terrors sleep easy, this is caused by a calcium deficiency. Sufficient calcium content of babies rarely occur.

6. reduce cramping.

Baby sleep, often uncontrollable twitch, is generally assumed that this is a baby in a dream is it, or because the longer the body, this is actually a cramp, is caused by calcium deficiency. This situation occurs, shows mother needs calcium.

7. Prevention of abdominal pain.

Baby abdominal pain of many causes, most commonly functional abdominal pain. Recent study found that functional abdominal pain is mainly caused by calcium deficiency, calcium deficiency causes excitability of nerves increase intestinal spasm causing abdominal pain occurs. Calcium supplements, you can treat this abdominal pain.

8. avoid teeth later.

Normal baby 4-6 months to grow new teeth, and calcium deficiency in the baby to one or even two years is not a new tooth or tusk order confusion, rough tooth enamel. MOM, if good calcium supplementation during pregnancy and lactation can reduce symptoms.

9. ease of restless.

ADHD, is due to baby brain development is not perfect, between nerve cells and nerve fibers are not very good insulation, excessive sensitivity of the brain. And calcium to maintain normal contacts of the nervous system, reduces excitability of the nervous system, played a sedative effect. Therefore, do not want the baby too \"good\" calcium supplementation is the key.

10. promotion of brain development.

Is the critical period of brain development during pregnancy. Brain cell growth, metabolism, and normal operation of the brain are dependent on calcium. Therefore, calcium is important for intellectual development of neonates and nervous system, calcium supplementation can strengthen future intellectual development of the fetus.

This shows that maternal mother calcium adequate or not, will have a significant impact on the baby\'s life. Chinese nutrition society recommended intake of calcium for pregnant and lactating women suitable for 1000-1200mg, and the national nutrition survey showed that daily per capita intake of calcium in the diet only about 389mg, with the difference between the recommended intake of appropriate about 611-811mg. Therefore, maternal mother needs additional supplementary calcium preparations in order to meet the needs of themselves and baby development.

How long is the term of protection of the vaccine

-Epidemiological observation results of more than 30 years abroad, Gill wind antibodies after vaccination Yang to go rates are above 95%, antibodies, sustainable protection of more than 11 years.

-The World Health Organization believes that acellular pertussis vaccine, antibodies to whole-cell DPT vaccines typically 6 years ~12 years in duration.

Application-at home and abroad of JE vaccine Hamster kidney cell inactivated vaccine, vaccine live attenuated vaccine of rat kidney cells. Data show that the former after a two-pin (agent) based immune and 3-pin (agent) after immunization, immune effect for 10 years; the latter inoculation needle (agent), immune effects can last for 5 years ~11 years.

-Hepatitis a vaccine in China are using a live attenuated vaccine and inactivated vaccine, both protection after vaccination rates are above 87%. Observations show, the former term of protection is up to 15 years; the latter actually observed the protection period of 5 years, 5 years after the antibody titer of geometry average of the 326miu/ml, based on a mathematical formula speculated that the protection period of up to 20 years.

-Some scholars on immune function in normal adults conducted an observation on the effect of hepatitis b vaccine, found that in 8 years after vaccination, 85% still exist within the body of this protective antibodies. Another scholar to investigate the child immunization with hepatitis b vaccine, surface antibody positive rate of 71.37% after 5 years, 9 years after the positive rate of the 51.34%. As to whether or when to strengthen immunization with hepatitis b vaccine, research is continuing in this regard.

In preterm infants how to exercises

How to premature baby exercise

People is through sight, sound, smell, taste, touch, sense of gravity to feel the outside things, and sensory information to the brain to brain command limbs after the consolidated actions, this ability is known as sensory abilities.

When it determines children\'s attention, reaction speed, movement speed, sensitivity, emotional stability, such as hand-eye coordination of the ear. Children are in the parent begin to form in this capacity, and in continuous training in the perfection of the day after tomorrow.

But, some children because threatened abortion, and fetal position does not are, and preterm, and caesarean section, and dystocia, and shake hold less, and crawling insufficient, and activities by limited, causes, caused feeling Commission close ability development insufficient, performance out: good dynamic disturbed, and attention does not concentrated; action does not coordination, hands clumsy, timid shy, social ability difference, easy by setbacks, lack confidence; temper impatient, viscosity people love cry makes; partial eclipse, diet habits bad; shy of touch touch, attack sexual strong, like disliked others,.

Tactile feeling in preterm infants is relatively slow, repeated stimulation is required to catch up with normal children. Acumen training\'s best in preterm infants from neonatal period begins, through passive touch to give children increased tactile feel.

As the child grew up, stimulating the child\'s sense of development can take a variety of ways, such as to make children more exposure around the article, and feel the different nature of these items. Can encourage children to use hand to touch the daily access to objects, touch the objects of nature, such as allow the children to touch smooth, soft, plush toys or fur, let him have a different feel. After walking, you can get them more in touch with nature, touching the docile of poultry such as animal, vegetable, fruit, to increase their sense of experience and interests. You can also let them know the sharp knife, scissors, fire and other hazards of dangerous goods, so that they know to stay away from dangerous goods. Further training can also move their eyes, and then help them individually using tactile feeling of texture.

Sensory integrative ability training

Is the brain function training on these issues, use a number of specialized instruments, require child\'s attention is focused through the coordination of actions, for example, balance training, children through projects such as balance, balance, rotating cylinder, vestibular balance to train the brain to improve children\'s attention. By skipping rope, small slide, in slide, Sun tunnel projects, training children\'s sense of identity, improve children\'s response. Through the jump ball, Kangaroo jump, caged ball projects, training of children, and stable children\'s emotional, enhance the courage and confidence. By bat, lie to push the ball, throw ball and other projects, to train the children of hand-eye coordination, solve the problem of carelessness.

Sensory integration training can also correction of childhood attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, Tourette Syndrome, autism, mental retardation, language development disorders, bed-wetting, motor coordination disorder and other special issues.

In addition, the methods of physical training in premature infants generally fall into the following categories:

(A) neonatal period

Touching described above is a passive but effective methods of promoting growth in preterm infants, can after birth.

(B) infant gymnastics

Is a good way to promote children\'s development. Activities mainly through passive and active, make children with various parts of the body flexible up to help and promote the development of motor ability in children. First available hand-assisted child\'s limbs, straightening, bending, up and down motion.

(C) crawl training

Children who cannot walk or abnormal walking posture to begin training from crawling, crawling is the basis for walking, crawling training ramp climbing, pitching, obstacles such as climbing, knee and hand climb climbing. Through the limbs and head, the palms, soles, the activities of the medial leg, appearance of the campaign for its proper, correct posture and improve its perception of motion perception, this is for slow motor development in preterm infants and primary way to movement disorders. Crawling in the baby\'s development process is a to promote intellectual and physical development of the good campaign, crawl the body muscles to be exercise, crawling to infant brain injury rehabilitation.

(D) physical exercise

When the child is able to walk independently, to guide the children to do some of the best sports such as gymnastics, walking, climbing, and then you can increase the movement of some skills, such as skipping, bat, etc.

(E) training in life skills

When the child when there is a certain capacity, can train child some ability of daily life, such as training the children eating, dressing, something, something, games and other, not only is movement and intellectual development, hands are good for the brain. Do not think the baby could do believe he will do.

In short, premature baby fitness training can not only promote growth in preterm infants, increased flexibility in their limbs, can also promote their intellectual development.

Please don\'t squeeze the baby\'s nose

Many old people love abide by traditional rules, have always thought that if the baby\'s nose is relatively flat, often pinch pinch, the nose will grow quite. In fact, that as with many old ideas, doing so not only nothing, also the baby\'s health.

Expert analysis: delicate nasal mucosa in young children, and blood vessel-rich, often pinched the child\'s nose, can damage the mucosa and blood vessels, reducing nasal defense function, thus easier to be violations of bacteria, virus, causes the occurrence of disease.

Second, child care Eustachian tube of coarse, short, straight, lower position than adults, pinch the nose also causes of nasal secretions through auditory tube into the middle ear, caused by otitis media.

General overview of experts in children with asthma

When parents heard Kew Kew asthma baby song, or when you can\'t cough has been good, it will start to worry about \"is this the right asthma? How is it treated? How to take care of? What attack? How to prevent attacks? \"This series of questions, we invite professional doctor to tell you.

Symptoms of asthma

Asthma caused by chronic respiratory tract inflammation, mainly because of the airway overreaction and caused acute airflow block, symptoms will be repeated, usually may not have symptoms or symptoms mild. Attack leads to respiratory mucosal swelling, respiratory tract stricture, appears intermittent difficulty in breathing, sick children there Kew Kew sounds or cough and other symptoms of asthma symptoms will disappear spontaneously or through the appropriate drug therapy and improve.

Why is asthma?

Asthma pathogenesis to date are not very clear, but outside of the occurrence of asthma in addition to family-related, environmental effects are also important factors. When asthma induced by respiratory exposure to factors of sick children (such as allergens, such as virus infection, temperature change), asthma attack easily.

Be careful! These stimuli cause asthma

Can cause asthma attacks a number of reasons, other than allergen stimulation, a number of physiological and psychological factors also affect.

Common allergens include dust, dust, pet hair and dander, mold spores and pollen, cockroaches, and so on.

Induced by other factors: such as respiratory tract infections (cold), air pollution (, boiled vegetables for cooking oil fume exhaust gas of motor vehicles, cigarettes), stimulation of taste (such as perfume, aroma agents, paints), drugs (such as aspirin, non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs), strenuous exercise , temperature changes and emotional violent ups and downs, asthma attack.

How to judge whether the baby has asthma?

Due to asthma in infants, unlike the adults can be measured to diagn

ose of pulmonary function, usually based on clinical symptoms, drug reactions, and history, family history to diagnose sick children; and detection of allergen skin test acupuncture, of specific immunoglobulin in serum (IgE) and allergen testing is available as a reference for asthma diagnosis. In addition, parents can also be judged by the adoption of the following situations, if the baby has the following situation, you might consider is asthma:

1 there have been repeated attacks of asthma symptoms, such as the Kew Kew occurs when coughing wheezing sound.

2 of asthma or atopic Constitution family.

3 when the baby in the absence of a cold, there will be night-time cough.

4 appears after strenuous exercise or Kew Kew asthma of cough sound.

5 touch a hairy animal, secondhand smoke or air pollution, coughing or wheezing sound occurs.

6 access to certain drugs (such as aspirin) will be symptoms of asthma.

7 when symptoms appear, after using asthma drug such as bronchodilators, symptoms have eased.

Treatment of asthma

Prevention of acute attack:

Can be divided into \"induced factor of control\" and \"the prevention of drug use\". Although asthma cannot be completely cured, but continuous exposure factor causing asthma induced by repeated attacks, the allergic reaction is deteriorating and more and more serious, so prevention is very important.

Drug control:

1 cushion in acute phase: when used with acute attack of asthma, efficacy of fast, short, you can quickly achieve symptom relief, such as the influence of b-II methylamphetamine, influence of bronchodilators and more.

2 long-term control medicines: asthma disease control and prevention for long-term, reduce chronic inflammation of the respiratory tract and allergy, commonly used drugs including inhaled steroids, leukotriene receptor antagonists, sustained-release theophylline preparation, long-acting type II methylamphetamine b and

so on.

Tips: immunotherapy:

\"Immunotherapy\" provides a drug other than another option, after a long, gradual incremental subcutaneous specific allergen, the baby\'s body no longer sensitive to the allergen. This method currently only applies to asthma, allergic rhinitis and winged insects-sensitive patients of atopic dermatitis, urticaria, or food allergies is not recommended.

If the parents have been doing environmental control, poor and sick children receive the traditional drug treatment, children can be diagnosed clearly unable to avoid contact with allergens and daily life (such as dust, pollen, etc), parents who have the patience to tie in with the 3-5 year-long course , try to accept. 2-3 months after implementation of desensitization therapy in General, symptoms will gradually reduce; 6 months after, the effect is more significant, but have different personal physical fitness, reaction time is slightly different.

Emergency treatment measures of asthma attack

When acute attack, patients should be moved to the more dry and temperature in a suitable environment to give patients proper rest. If the body with an acute attack of drug, can be used in accordance with the orders cushion; if severe attack and cause respiratory came close to failure, or symptoms after the drug has not improved, or the patient is unable to assess their condition in infants, it should be taken to a nearby hospital treatment as soon as possible.

Correct care of asthma infants method

1 environmental control

Reduce the generation of induced factor, can effectively reduce asthma attacks.

2 the correct use of drugs

Currently used in the prevention of drug for asthma, containing inhaled steroids because parental misconceptions (think steroids damage), often stop on their own, leading to poor asthma control and repeated attacks. The other hand, if parents use concepts and methods of drug errors, poor effect also results in dru

g treatment.>

3 avoid asthma diet

Asthma attack while food and there is no close correlation, but certain foods it is recommended that you avoid exposure, such as peanuts and nuts such as walnuts, chocolate, seafood, fried shelled and frozen food; in addition, some foods containing artificial coloring and preservation, may also be induced by asthma attacks. In Chinese medicine, it is recommended not to ingest the so-called \"cold and the cold\" of food (such as oranges, watermelons, pears, cabbage, turnips, coconuts, etc).

Prevention of asthma attacks in 10 key

1 avoid feeding pets such as dogs, cats or birds, or pets outdoors.

2 use mite bedding, regular cleaning curtains, bed sheets, bed sheets, pillow covers and other.

3 avoid using thick carpets and curtains, consider using the shutters.

4 40%~50% using a dehumidifier and humidity control, because dust mites best growing conditions at 25 ° c and relative humidity 70%~80%, control humidity in 50% if the following can reduce dust mite breed can also inhibit reproduction of fungi.

5 avoid using mats, batting, feathers and filled furniture, down the doll, consider using wood, leather or plastic furniture.

6 avoid entering areas of air pollution, or in popular at the time of respiratory tract infection, prevent access to public places, you can use masks when when you cannot avoid.

7 home as clean as possible, reduce dust and cockroaches in the home; in addition, replacing broom with vacuum cleaner, to avoid the dust raised.

8 avoid stimulating home tastes, such as incense, paint, mosquito coils and so on, it is best not to smoke in.

9 avoid vigorous exercise and excessive emotional stress, but instead, moderate exercise can improve symptoms, recommend moderate exercise such as swimming, jogging can.

At the beginning of season 10 in Exchange, pay attention to warm.

Closing remarks

Asthma is a chronic disease, and cann

ot be completely cured, but parents should not be discouraged, good environmental control can reduce the contact factor induced by, and according to the doctor\'s instructions, correct use of medicines, asthma can be controlled and to maintain the good quality of life.

Should be less during the first week of birth breastfeeding

ThomasCoram James-Roberts report of the Institute of the University of London, baby breastfeeding too many times during the first week after birth will increase the incidence of sleep disorders 12-week-old baby at night, some very simple measures should be taken to prevent them.
James-Roberts pointed out that love crying babies don\'t sleep at night, parents often had to take the kids to see a doctor. In the 12th week after birth, at least one-third baby sleep well at night. James-Roberts and others through a study of 316 neonates, determine a week after birth risk factors contributing to sleep well at night. They are randomly divided into two sections for high risk infants sleep disorders, a group of newborn infants to take preventive measures, namely the expansion difference between day and night environments: reduce night-time light and other factors on infants to bother; let babies sleep in at night in a baby bed, does not feed does not hold as much as possible, as long as normal, starting from the 3rd week of birth, babies wake up at night breastfeeding gradually after the subsequent delay. Results show that during the first week after birth, infants breast >11 times 24 hours, 12-week-old night-time prevalence of sleep disorders is 2.7 times times the control group. In the 12 weeks of age, observing group 82% baby sleep well at night, while the control group only 61%.

Experts study: infants sleep well at night is not a disease, what problem does not occur in future. Although there are may identify infants sleep disorder can occur in the future, but taking simple preventive measures are effective, but experts also pointed out that some preventive measures are completely different with the current method of infant care.

Wenchuan earthquake leads to new subject worthy of national attention in child education

Shocked the world on May 12, 2008 China Wenchuan earthquake occurred, from, Chaoyang District, Beijing, the capital of one of their own national networked media of the child is 4 years old female editor circuit, published an article saying: \"I had the pleasure of reading an article today very rare works of the science but Ma yuge father at an early stage of the law of life and life education for children. Is, on how to boot, it can help children cope with the loss of their loved ones a huge change, of great benefit. \' 512 \' earthquake, who directly never lost relatives of hundreds of thousands of poor children, they withstand the tremendous grief and panic is unprecedentedly tragic. All the conscience of the people in this world, all are anxious, to tears! If we all big people of, usual body Department happiness peace life, had are can like Ma Yu song father as, many has vision of hardship consciousness and mind, early to on on next generation timely to for has has is depth of life law education , especially in life aspects to and had they enough of health psychological effect, in burst unfortunately event once outbreak Shi, regardless of was encountered how of hit and combat, certainly will large conducive to children were strong stands of. This is a global positive attention, very urgent social issues of the times. But Ma yuge father has with its advanced and practical theory of successful practice, for all parents, teachers, opened an innovative scientific spirit and full of noble humanistic background of well head. His subtle affecting more and more people, they should be how to better the actual care of their children, from real to their offspring happy on the essential meaning. ”

2008 Chinese New Year Eve, my grandmother thromboangiitis advanced illness attack, irreparably to wash its hands of the world of man has left us forever. We in the summer of 2007, the family have had visited her elderly. At that time my daughter Jia Jia 5 years and 3 months,

a certain memory.

Six months later, unfortunately pass away suddenly faced with loved ones, plus 6 years of age at this time of the best, I think she looked scared. On the surface, the problem seems to be very serious, intermittent discourse to me from her and found that things aren\'t so simple. An exception is that was first, my grandmother has just passed away before long, she is present on the toilet stool, speak incoherently, rushed me out of a sentence: \"MOM, I don\'t want to die, die nothing in sight. \" I listened, yizheng immediately squatted down and told her:\" baby, you\'re still so small, so healthy, no! ”

Daughter is actually very sensible. She will speak up, it is reasonable. Everything, as long as explained to her, she\'ll soon feel relieved. If you inadvertently produce excessive demands we clarifying the parents do not agree with her reasons, she can no longer immediately entangled. 佳佳 Quick off the mark, a faster response, strong understanding, rarely get us angry. Only exception is the 3 or 4 years old at that time we called her, she and her cousin heart, both in a small room is not promised herself in, he took several times not to open the door. (Prior we had confessed, cannot close the door to play) when they are far from agreed to, not to open the door! People are really angry. Husband just took the keys, she was just himself opened the door from the inside. Her husband was furious, suddenly picked up, threw her on the bed in our room, also took her on her ass. I also angrily called her next. On that occasion, may be better to better scare. After we gave ourselves, when the reaction was too radical.

My grandmother was very ill died, from beginning, Jia Jia is fully aware: great too leave because of a serious illness is no way. Have tried to cure this disease, poor treatment (also created misunderstandings and conflicts among relatives). Major was great too is too old, more than 90 years old is too old. Body as a machine that a

ge will not help go wrong in many places, why treat invalid suddenly pass away. If it is not the disease, according to Grandma bone relatively sturdy body, elderly people will live for many years are not a problem.

My daughter Jia Jia\'s mind is: \"I love life, I\'m afraid will one day suddenly gone. \" Daughter\'s feelings is very delicate and very sensitive. Around their loved ones, unfortunately deceased, it may also include November 2007 my sister-in-law father, complications of gastric calculus, spend a lot of money and unable to huitian suddenly left us----better better from this one on two events, think of her. Her timely and sensitive response is completely than we expected. But I was right when the children are just children Mowgli. Thought on the course of life, later on to give her, just no need to give her so early on.

Now, since her own initiative to touch a sensitive topic in this regard, it seems that we are trying to avoid the point again.

Previously I have noticed some very special material, there is a loving father and daughter in Beijing described, true story of educational life. Specialty Ma Yuge father of Tsinghua University, in their own children at a very small, timely daughter, Ma Yu song, other people could not think of very artistic, effectively been very intuitive science education about life and death. As long as these stories on the Web to search \"but Ma yuge\" this name, you can see, more than one article. Ma Yuge of father to let own of children as soon as possible experience to people of health and died, not future face burst event fleeting comes, because age too small bear does not up, children appears accident reaction; so Ma Yu song father is has plan to using leisure time, personally led just Shang primary school soon of second grade 7 aged daughter, together came to has homes near Hospital of Taiping between, to see, and to feel; and combination eyes of all patience to on children contact ancient and modern interest

, for rich philosophy of science interpretation, makes small daughter from eyes of actual contact in the, real feeling to has life of respectable and noble, and love family of valuable and no price. For the emotional experience, while Ma Yuge dad to let their children know how early the treasure the meaning of life, how should treasure good times alive. IRemember Ma Yuge dad once said: \"everyone knows that \' chushengniudubupahu \'. Children experiencing these in person, as long as not to frighten her, children won\'t be afraid at all. Like to play against, since then, the child meets this really happens, she was never afraid of loss. \"Ma Yuge\'s father later by public holidays, active with her children came to a few people to patronize\" Hospice hospital \". Daddy and daughter dying to strangers the beat, enthusiasm and offered love, volunteering sth Ma Yuge father through this series of effects like syllabus guidelines of subtle calculated, and a step by step practice of systematic family education after class, so that their child was born and established a selfless feelings of great and noble spiritual pursuit. Results of this girl, and life along the way, so optimistic, so harmonious. Ma Yuge everything that happened in the face of social and personal life, never panicked and whether all big and small issues, people, are disposed of properly, is justifiable and full of humanity. After grown up, she really became a Thanksgiving, righteous, active and promising, example of love life, love life talent. The female hearts, well-known in the world! Ma Yuge record in these areas, how to be fascinating stories from family science education, a lot. In the search engines such as Baidu search \"little reading lang journey\" and \"(laiwu city, Shandong laiwu newspaper issue 2008 C22 the LU morning magazine in an edition of education week)\", or search for \"assigned to book tomorrow\'s teachers of section II of the fifth chapter three the book pick\" and other words , can find them at once. These materials, not only caused a strong interest in reading and I Lenovo, later also inspired me to take seriously his daughter better better things. As Ma Yu song Daddy did, very visionary, early scientific guidance and positive education for children, is the real in the care of his daughter, true to descendants of a lifetime of happiness! This is my current personal reality, merely from my mood. Always encounter a great flood disaster of life. Unfortunately when there are no coming head, most people are not easy to understand this point, more do not know how to plan ahead; on unprepared a day, suddenly a major scourge, then understand that I am afraid it is too late. What is the direct impact of the unhappy people, how severe, it is difficult to envision, it is difficult to estimate. Especially for those children who have no experience of [in] life, the consequences may be worse, irreparable. Over the years, we shocked the world series of major accidents in China and unfortunately, tens of thousands of families or individuals, in this context of profound suffering brought deep and bitter lessons do not say!

I soon too died after Jia Jia on her great responses tell Jia Jia\'s father in a timely manner. Her father immediately with 佳佳 explains human illness issues, and specifically said that science is now developed, more people will live a long life in the future. 佳佳 heard, told us that she wants to be a doctor, later inventing a drug, eating people can live forever.

2008 Spring Festival Yin calendar year 18 (that is, the twelfth month of the lunar year 18), we return to the home. During my talk to his or her parents sitting together, naturally also talked about how to take care of my grandmother funeral those old topic. Talk to people \', as luck would have it be accidentally heard by my daughter Jia Jia. She told her father that again: \"Dad, I was very afraid of dying. \" I was talking to my parents because at that time, no deep reason to pay heed

to better find better say that the meaning of, but did not want her on this how will pull back to the old topic. I think that may be up to her a little scene brings back memories, in her little emotion.

My husband told me he heard better better words, is to explain the renewal of life from another angle to better hear, also cloned sheep – Victoria of the story to her, and that scientists are studying the issue of human cloning.

In my home to be finished, we went from my home to come to Guangzhou, went to Uncle\'s in Foshan 佳佳 continued lunar years. Her uncle\'s House, who knows, good first thing better, her grandparents were asked, ever heard of clone sheep than things? Great saying do not know, and home public not know. In the heart of my daughter Jia Jia, his grandfather was in this world who know the most. Now even her grandfather is not know, her doubt her father she said cloning sheep than it ever has. Husband also feel this too unexpected results on the spot: master of how even the most loved watching TV news, do not know today\'s cloned sheep that reverberate like thunder!

In the evening for dinner when better better first ask her aunt ever heard cloned sheep. Aunt answer don\'t know. Asked after his uncle, first with 佳佳 was sure her uncle said: \"the cloned sheep, is going on. First cloned sheep named Dolly! \"Thank God, has finally met a salvation! But we haven\'t previously by gas! 佳佳 \'s Uncle really have patience, not only to better better explains what cloning means, also told how the cloned sheep cloning out than the entire process of sth Are special terms, more than her dad explained it I do not know how many times. Jia Jia is, uncle is really know about it, your Daddy no stories to trick her.

Finish this winter, and soon the past month. Few weeks of school, go to bed one night, Jia Jia asked me: \"mother, my grandfather is now several years old? \" My answer is 77 years old. She also asked in another 20 years, Grandpa how old? This s

he should take advantage of knowledge of their own will now count, so I ask: \"what do you say? \" She thought for a moment say 97,----language with no choice but finally added a sentence saying:\" Oh, so old. \" She asked me:\" many years Grandpa 93? \" In order to avoid making too late, and stresses the very late to shuixia, I would tell her:\" Grandpa 93, also 16. \" Better better hadvanished, asking herself after 16 years the few years old? I said: \"you are now almost 6 years old, \' 16+6 \' how much it is? \" I guide her, her own work, worked out their ownThen just 22 years old. I also didn\'t realize that she asked these questions on the spot trying to do, just feel free to talk. Didn\'t think she was very seriously with her little face on my eyes, a solemn oath to me said: \"mother, my grandfather almost 90 years old you just tell me, I then rush to the clone to the grandfather! \" She also lie in my ear, cocked his head to me, added:\" our most old Grandpa, Grandpa I don\'t want to die! ”

Oh, my lovely daughter, around the way, turned out to be the case! I listened, laughed and laughed, leaching out even tears in his eyes, immediately against the daughter\'s forehead gave kissed her tiny lips. That night, looked better better sleep into dream of Apple is like the small faces, I think a lot, for a long time. (Author: Shenzhen, Guangdong, liujuanjuan)

Roses for gynecological diseases has unique effect

Rose flower with its beautiful in color, rich fragrance and much people of all ages. We all know, rose is a symbol of love and happiness, is the landscape, one of the main flower dress up at home. However, many people do not know, rose for the treatment of gynecological diseases also have a unique effect.

Treating breast distending pain: the breast in women with recurrent attacks of menstrual cycles, gradually disappear after menopause. Roses are dispersing the depressed liver and blood-stasis effect, Yu Jie Xiao, pain. Rose 3~6 g foam wine, taken before menstruation, the best, long-term effect is better.

Treatment of menstruation: menstrual disorders have a variety of reasons, such as exogenous in the cold and wet, the rain water, drinking raw blood disorders, such as thrown. General performance too much or too little to menstruation, menstrual disorders, and abdominal pain. Roses into the liver, soothing the liver and regulating Qi and blood stasis, Chong, ren stressed that various of self-extinction. Rose gynecological dispensed drug Angelica, tiaojing function multiplication. Free roses 3~6 g single water use, or with Angelica, rose the same amount, of water service.

Advantages and disadvantages of Cesarean section

Many difficult choices between mother in caesarean and normal labor, especially for a caesarean section is not very familiar with. In fact, also known as Emperor incision cesarean section, is the incision of abdominal wall and uterine wall method of removing the fetus, in China, the practice high proportion of Cesarean section, approximately 5% persons will require a caesarean section, higher percentages of last year, in January-March growth near 10%, where pregnant women require a caesarean section increase at the rate of 2.5%, and therefore familiar with the advantages and disadvantages of Cesarean section at the mother is very necessary.
Advantages of caesarean section is the ability to avoid natural bursts in the production process, and are not vulnerable to the influence of vagina. Disadvantage is more bleeding, also with more complications and sequelae of anesthesia, such as wound infection, adhesions, longer than normal childbirth and postpartum recovery time, bring long hospital stay accordingly, higher spending.
The prospective mothers how to choose between an easy delivery and caesarean section? From a mother\'s perspective, if mother contracted pelvis or pelvic cavity tumors, easily impede the birth canal; or Antepartum haemorrhage, placenta or premature separation of placenta previa; elderly primipara and 35 years old or stage delayed; mother of reproductive tract infections; problems occurred during delivery, Caesarean sections are required such as uterine rupture.
Consider your maternal factors, for the fetus, if the fetal position not being; prediction of fetal body weight more than 4,000 grams or less than 1500 grams; fetal distress, fetal heart sound change or fetal hypoxia, fetal appears; multiple birth pregnancies; fetal malformation; cord prolapse occurs above, mother should select a caesarean section.

Varicella vaccine in pregnant women should avoid using

Pregnant women can get vaccinated? On this issue, you cannot simply use \"Yes\" or \"no\" answer, but according to the specific situation for specific analysis. For example, are mad dog bites later, must be timely injection of rabies vaccine in pregnant women, otherwise the hopes of survival are minimal, because rabies fatality rate is almost 100%.

Due to neonatal tetanus morbidity and mortality rates are higher, is a major factor threatening the lives of newborns, so pregnant women should be vaccinated against tetanus toxoid to prevent babies infected with tetanus. Injection in the 4th month of pregnancy the first needle, dose of 0.5 ml, 6 weeks after injection of 0.5 ml.

Staff working on has a high risk of hepatitis b infection (such as personnel working in the wards of hepatitis), General should timely injection of hepatitis b vaccines before pregnancy; husband of pregnant women or other family members and e Antigen positive hepatitis b surface antigen, should also be injection of hepatitis b vaccine. If you HBsAg-positive pregnant women, especially with e-Antigen positive, then the injection of hepatitis b vaccine in pregnant women not be effective, should be after childbirth, the national immunization injection of hepatitis b vaccine to children in a timely manner, to protect children against hepatitis b virus attacks.

Within 3 months of pregnancy flu vaccine in pregnant women (vaccine), you can prevent influenza associated with preterm birth, can also reduce the rate of influenza caused teratoma.

Do all inoculation to play? It\'s not. Varicella, rubella, measles, mumps, BCG, je and toxicity reduction of epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis, virus vaccines, oral polio vaccine and whooping cough vaccine, pregnant women should avoid using. Pregnant women who have a history of abortion, should not accept any prevention of vaccination. Therefore, vaccination, pregnant women not to name both diseases taboos \"species\" never comes, should introduce themselves to obstetricians and quarantine doctor pregnancy, past and present medical conditions and allergies, as appropriate by the doctors are to vaccination is not immunization. This is the right way.

Three features of the boy

Every parents want their children smarter, but exactly what is clever, it is not clear and uniform standard. Some people think, learn good children can be considered a clever boy. In fact, this view is too one-sided.



Smart kid can be divided into two categories

A child\'s clever, mainly in their learning, learn well in exams score higher. This type of smart kids, often found by parents and teachers and attention.

Another category of children clever table now as \"children first\", \"Chief of children\", \"class\", the children of smart is that they\'ve shown a very strong social adaptive capacity, including competitiveness, innovation, communication ability and adaptability, ability to work, research ability, these are the \"multiple intelligence\" children.

However, this type of smart kids, often not easily found by parents and teachers, and attention.

Child clever parents do what

In recent years, the United States psychologists point out that: If only to selection of outstanding academic performance is good or bad for children. So, it is possible to make about 70% highly creative abilities of children losing.

This is, should caused General parents, and teachers and society of height concern and attention, because from in China now of actual status view, many parents ambitious for one\'s children, and looked female into Phoenix of concept more serious, often in on children of education and training Shang , learning results caught was tight, and on children of multiple ability of training often on does not too attention, this on children future entered social is adverse of.

To this end, we should promote and emphasize the development of \"multiple intelligence\" children. Parents must know: children learn today, is for tomorrow can better adapt to

society, contributing to society. Therefore, parents should pay attention to fostering children\'s abilities since childhood, children learn \"survival\" skill.

Talking about children are clever, many parents will think intelligence tests. Many parents brought their children to different institutions do an intelligence test and consultation. Some parent-child test score very much, and to determine whether their children clever. In fact, test results can only be used as a reference to the child because the child\'s intelligence is in a period of rapid development, far from stereotypes and improving, a test score not indicate children the true level of intellectual development , much less children can achieve a level of intelligence to foresee the future.

Boy of three characteristics

Parents and children be closely associated in the process, through the observation of children\'s behavior, problem-solving ability, understanding on children\'s intelligence should be more accurate than an intelligence test. So, what kind of child wise does? Psychology-related theory is that the thinking is the core of intelligence, we went from thinking ability to see what are the characteristics of boy.

1. thinking with flexibility

Flexibility of thinking mainly in the while addressing the issues faced, in a relatively short period of time to find effective solutions. Is able to solve the problem quickly and efficiently.

If you have a four year old boy, while playing a ball out to the tree in the hole, cannot be directly out, he thought of by water injection method so that the ball came up, so as to achieve the purpose.

In this case, the child showed the flexibility of thinking, because he could come up with effective solutions in a short time.

Flexibility through a certain way of thinking consciously fostering, training is the key to enable children to develop positive thinking and love good habits of the brain.

2. thinking withdivergence

Divergent thinking is referred from different ideas to find different ways to solve the problem. Students in solving problems of \"a problem with several\" is a typical training of divergent thinking.

If, in a trial, a child aged five can say \"cloth\" of more than 30 kinds of uses and \"water\" more than 50 kinds of uses, showing very strong divergence of thought.

Divergent thinking is one of the important manifestation of the strong imagination. Because imagine a he, Lenovo is the process of common features of different things, that is the process of divergent thinking.

3. thinking positive

Thinking the enthusiasm of the strong performance of children with a strong sense of curiosity and desire to learn, for children, strong thirst for knowledge, curiosity and exploration of spiritual and intellectual development of the most closely related.

Because the same congenital conditions, children participate in the interest of the higher, the higher the level, the more you can promote the development of intelligence to attain higher levels, and high level of intelligence and will, in turn, increase participation , exploration interest. Almost every child in the process of growing up, there will be some time on everything from the outside world with a strong curiosity, parents must pay attention to the protection of children\'s curiosity and thirst for knowledge, and guide them to develop more active a wide range of interests.

More than a simple list of clever children thinking characteristics. Of course, most of the children are closer to middle levels of intelligence, particularly high and is only a small part of the particularly low.

Intelligence is in congenital neural PhysiologyAdopted on the basis of the characteristics of children developed, therefore, as long as the child\'s birth normal, by parents in the activities of the correct guidance, believe that every child can become clever boy.

Talk about the child\'s resistance and immunity

Some children are at increased risk of diseases such as respiratory infections, and some went on to be suffering from bronchitis, pneumonia, etc; but some children are rarely sick. Why different physique and health status of children have such a big difference? This is because each child\'s different resistance and immunity.

Resistance of the human body, medically called \"nonspecific immunity\". This is the human form in the long course of evolution, is a child from birth, have and maintain the life of the body\'s defense capabilities.

Characterized by non-specific immune resistance, General resistance, rather than a characteristic of the disease. Resistance in the maintenance of human health benefits, function is its broad weakness is not a specific target.

For example, outside of the body, intact skin barrier to many kinds of pathogen invades, also has bactericidal effects of substances on the skin surface, protecting their own health. Therefore, only when in skin injury, damage to the integrity of the skin, prone to inflammatory or suppurative and invades deep. Child stabbed by Cactus, nails and other sharp objects or injured, although only minor skin injuries, but can easily lead to systemic diseases, tetanus is one such infection.

For example, in our body, composed of PIA mater in the brain, brain capillaries \"blood-brain barrier\", played a prevent pathogens in blood with blood circulation invade the brain, defence role of brain disease victims. Therefore, only when the blood-brain barrier is jeopardized, the pathogen is easy with the blood-brain, or some of the virus through blood-brain barrier, will only cause of meningitis, encephalitis.

Children in sustained tension, excessive fatigue, malnutrition, fever, cold, suffering from chronic diseases, or parents to drug abuse will decrease its resistance. In everyday life and learning, parents not arranged for young children was too intense learning activities; in eating, children without favoritism, not fussy, remain rational nutrition; children sick with combination of Chinese and Western medicine, timely and thorough treatment, prevent into chronic diseases (such as tonsillitis, bronchitis, asthma, etc); Note that the physical exercise of children; not freely give their children medication. These aspects are well, it is helpful in improving children\'s resistance.

Child resistant strength, by observing the State of his health in General, you can make a rough estimate: good health, body immunity is strong or weak.

The human body the immunity, in medicine known as \"specific immunity\". It is in the development process of their development, are pathogens stimulation, produced in the body. It is characterized by a strong minded-specific, that is, by which pathogens of stimulation, produces immunity against pathogens, and not against other pathogens.

In the immunity process, pathogens are known as the \"antigens\", stimulate the human body caused by disease of the immune substance known as \"antibodies\", while producing cell immunity. Vaccine is the use of this principle, minus the pathogenicity of pathogens or pathogen killing, made from Antigen, vaccination to the human body, only produce antibodies, so that it no longer causes disease, play a role in prevention of this pathogen.

For example, children were vaccinated against measles vaccine produces immunity for measles virus in the body; oral polio vaccine produces immunity against poliovirus; were vaccinated against meningococcal vaccine produces immunity against meningococcal, prevention of epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis. So targeted specialized, vaccination in preventing many infectious diseases will require multiple vaccines are line, and who vaccination who benefit. Vaccination has become the most effective means of prevention of infectious diseases.

Children of immunity, is unable by reason of his health to evaluate. Although some children strong, resistance is strong, but not the vaccination does not have a special immunity.

In General, you can with the determination of the existence of a certain type of antibody in human blood and its strength, with the monitoring and inspection methods in order to make immune strength judgment, to understand your child\'s special immunity.

Understanding and enhancing child resistance and immunity, so that it maintains a robust State, so that children naturally enhances disease resistance capacity.

Fetal movement pathological pain during pregnancy when

While 7 months pregnant, us-red felt abdominal little life is becoming more and more naughty, not only in the usual best to come in the evening and mother \"play\" and sometimes also to harass her during the day. This time, she felt a bit slight pain, and sleep at night, and sometimes stomach also have temporary labor, can be up in the morning the next day after it is all right, so us Red never taking pain seriously. Day goes to work by in cars, beautiful red belly feeling a little bit of discomfort, thought is the baby kicked in the stomach, nor how to care, can be to your organization after her abdominal pain exacerbated, also felt chilly and was taken to the hospital , was diagnosed with appendicitis, child and preterm birth.

Abdominal pain in pregnancy, for pregnant women, and is a common disease, its causes vary, is generally can be divided into physiological and pathological nature of two types.

Physiological abdominal pain due to normal is the most common uterine pregnancy increases, accompanied by due to the round ligament of uterus is stretch, generally 3-5 months of pregnancy, pain part located in the lower abdominal uterine side or double-sided, pain , dull pain or dull pain is involved, in walking distance or position changes, ease after bed rest. Sometimes there may be a fetus in the womb due to kick in his mother\'s discomfort. May also be later pregnancy caused by uterine contractions and abdominal pains, but only a few seconds, breaks up to several hours. Some pregnant women due to uterus increases continuously stimulated under the rib edge, can also cause dull pain of rib, generally belong to the physiological, no special treatment is required, appropriate postural changes conducive to the alleviation of pain.

Pathological causes of abdominal pain in pregnancy is more complicated, there are several situations: ⒈ Portuguese tire tires. Expressed as menopause does not match the time and months of pregnancy, abdominal multiple increa

ses in blunt abdominal swelling or pain, often with vaginal bleeding and obvious pregnancy-induced vomiting, anemia, etc. ⒉ abortion and preterm birth: abdominal pain is persistent or paroxysmal, with obvious sense of falling, vaginal bleeding, discharge with rotten meat. ⒊ ectopic pregnancy: lower abdomen dull pain, feel, in particular the emergence after tear-like pain on one side, collapsed, with obvious fatigue, dizziness, mental confusion, vomiting, pale, cold extremities. ⒋ pregnancy complicated with appendicitis: abdominal pain, muscle tension, body temperature rising higher. ⒌ Placental Abruption: occur in advanced within 3 months of pregnancy, pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome, chronic hypertension, abdominal trauma, and other incentives. Degree of abdominal pain by early strip size, effect of comprehensive factors such as uterine muscle is damaged, serious abdominal

Plate-type hard, with vaginal bleeding, a sense of fetal movement disappear, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, irritable, severe anaemia, shock, and other signs. ⒍ of uterine rupture of omen due to uterine muscle layers under strong contraction of the uterus in upper stretch, stretch, thinning but was broken. When rupture of omen, pregnant women are lower abdominal pain, extreme anxiety, even calling, flushed face, shortness. Uterine rupture moments are pain, pain-relief after the rupture, in a State of shock.

Embrace between children behavior I see

Attentive mother or kindergarten teachers will find, at the request of teaching in kindergartens, require the teacher to child culture and rich in the process of their feelings. This will be our teachers to teach young children love to discover objects that you can love. Such as good and kind people.

Heard on the Internet describing such an interesting: one day, I saw Li Jiahao Wang Xuewei in embrace, at this time, only sitting next to the monthly call: \"two men are not allowed to hug should be of a man and a woman can embrace. \"I looked at the month month, month more vigorously:\" I see when they got married. \"Two boys are confidently said,\" we are good friends, why not? \" Thus, three pairs of eyes looked at me in uniform, wish I had a fair argument.

In fact, three children\'s claims are true, but they are different in terms of their station. Months between months is seen by adults hug, and Li Jiahao and Wang Xuewei is seen pure friendship. I think they are true, just my point of view, I prefer embrace between the children to express their feelings. Embrace is a relatively exposed a way of expression of children feeling, and this is not contrary to kindergarten education, so long as the children are both understood, accepted, can enhance the friendship between children can.

How reasonable children\'s nutritional requirements are?

1, to observe the law of children\'s diet and appetite of infants breast-fed or milk required for gastric emptying time of 3 to 3.5 hours, after the age of 1 infant diet varieties, and gastric emptying and the feeling of hunger, about 4-6 hours after eating. If the diet is too noise interference of child gastric adaptive capacity, prevent digestive and physiological activity of the nervous system, can also affect the appetite.

2 salt mixed in, regulating effect of Gan suanku reasonable adjustment, in particular, contains a lot of irritation flavoring can lead to excessive secretion of gastric acid, resulting in portal hypertensive gastropathy. Sweet fatty and spicy food should also be controlled fertilizer and food, from small to prevent obesity.

3 recipes, note food mix of children\'s content to broad, not to a partial eclipse. 1-3 child care of the proportion of nutrients should be maintained between, generally based on 1:12:4, is a protein, 12 fat, carbohydrates 4. 75% to animal protein in the protein and animal fat and vegetable fat the best matching should be 3:1. This match can enable Digest best of children\'s body fat.

4, by adjusting, correspondence of seasons four seasons a year, climate change cold cool. Therefore, dietary regulation should also, cold temperature properly. Ego, frail, partial from the cold, drinking cold easily lead to coughing, \"Lung-cold drinks cold injuries\". And to avoid all raw, Yi Gan Island light.

Number 5, fixed feed 1 child care is in appetite, gastric juice secretion, gastrointestinal and liver all features such as formation, to ensure the supply of nutrition, 1-3 children\'s diet should not be less than 5 times a day, not including meals should be 3 to 4 o\'clock and 10 o\'clock in the morning afternoon snack time. Eating too much is influence children\'s appetite, the second is to increase the accumulation of fat in the body. Number such as diet is too small, also does not meet the physical needs of young children.

6, standard food intake for each day and night of traditional Chinese medicine that \"excessive diet, is an injury of spleen and stomach\" so should control food intake. 1 children between the ages of 1 and a half each day and night appetite from 1000 to 1100 ml, 1 and a half to 3 years each day and night appetite from 1200 to 1300 ml.

7, children take one\'s time in eating food not to be so full, to a third hunger. The same amount of food, chewing at different speeds will have a different sense of full, chewing fine slow enough strong sense. Kids cooking food, except to have a certain fragrance, it also do fine, broken, decayed, soft, avoid fried, acid, spicy, pungent food.

8, reasonable arrangements, food calories a day according to the study, digestion of fatty food about every day at 10 o\'clock to 12 o\'clock, and fat intake after 6 o\'clock in the evening are transferred to the \"accumulation\", so to avoid increased nutrition after 6 o\'clock in the evening, or easy to make the body fat. In General, less eating lunch of dinner. Specific heat distribution: 20% in the morning, 10% per cent in the morning, 30% per cent at noon, afternoon 10% per cent, at 20%.

Pregnancy skin against drying

Since pregnancy, you will find that your body has undergone various changes, and even the skin more sensitive than usual, especially in dry seasons to skin care.

Moisturizing and hydrating and moisturizing

In the winter, skin moisturizing is most important. You can use the moisturizing emulsion, to keep skin smooth soft; you can also drink lots of water to cope with pregnancy common skin when dry. If you work for airless office buildings, and air conditioning open time is longer, it is recommended that you put a humidifier in the Office, or spraying with water of increased air humidity. In addition, you can also try to take some time to a place of ventilation, allow skin to breathe fresh air.

Nutrition nourishing skin

You can obtain adequate nutrition, and skin changes have a great relationship. If the skin is very dry, you can intake of vegetables and fish, and other foods rich in unsaturated fatty acids or linseed oil acid.

In addition, you should follow the diet during pregnancy doctors recommend, not only for your own health and beneficial to the development of the fetus, is also a good way to nourish the skin. Mother often visible skin delicate than the past, of course, because the role of estrogen in pregnancy, but adequate nutrition is also a great effect.

Careful care of sensitive skin

When used with face moisturizing emulsion, it is recommended that your way to small area of circle, massage and facial skin several times more than the usual. In addition, avoid using oily emulsion, scrub or has a flavor or alcohol component cleaning fluid to clean the face, because these cleaning products, more or less will be stimulated as a result of pregnancy and especially sensitive skin. If you want to clean the article, try to avoid direct hand contact with cleaning agents, to protect the hand skin.

Choosing the right bath

Water bath is the most secure and reliable, it does not cause any adverse reactions of the skin, but excessive bathing will stimulate your skin. Because pregnancy your skin becomes more delicate, so take a bath, special attention should be. You can choose small irritation of body SOAP, or simply with a baby bath or shower gel.

You are comfortable

You should try to wear loose, breathable cotton material, avoiding synthetic fiber material. Mother likes wearing tights, hoping that would make their thighs and legs more tight. However from the perspective of skin care, wear tights may cause inner thighs, hips and other parts of the skin dry matte because of poor ventilation.

Mothers often encounter around the breast skin itching problems. If the before you can wear a bra, puts on some not from these parts with scented talcum powder, you can reduce the BRA to skin stimulation.

Avoid prolonged UV

Although the winter the Sun does not strongly, but the ultraviolet irradiation for a long time, will harm the skin. Anti-tanning in the winter is also a required course. In addition, skin melanoma is more active during pregnancy, you should try to avoid prolonged exposure to ultraviolet light. Following the winter to avoid UV exposure tips: avoid use of any skin care products has a flavor or alcohol component. Because it not only easier on your sensitive skin causing stimulation, will also increase sensitivity to ultraviolet light.

Correctly makeup

In General, doctors and beauticians do not encourage the mother to makeup, because many contain lead and mercury in cosmetics ingredients, often use may have a negative impact on the fetus. But the beauty of mother occasionally, a light make-up and it does not matter. However, you should choose cosmetics or skin care products with moisturizing ingredients, remember that timely and thoroughly make-up so good air permeability of the skin.

If mother well-tended skin, I believe that during this special period, your skin will be more delicate than the former more moisture. Walking in the winter of you, be as vibrant as the spring.

Summer care children with digestive tract disease

Recently, the weather is getting hotter and hotter, is the season of gastrointestinal disease-prone, because after the temperature rises, gastrointestinal illnesses caused by bacteria, viruses are active, such as the main symptoms of acute enteritis diarrhea very much see. Although the SARS epidemic slowing gradually, but experts caution that good hygiene practices to maintain or gastrointestinal disease will come back.

High prevalence of intestinal diseases to the period:

Director of the people\'s Liberation Army 306 hospitals Gastroenterology Qu Changmin doctor describes, in previous years by May or June, intestinal diseases patients began to increase, in July or August, weather is more hot more patients, sometimes day clinic to see thirty or forty of these patients. Patients a lot since the summer of this year, probably because of the SARS outbreak, disinfection and we attach great importance to the work, in the killing of the SARS virus but also of enteritis caused by bacteria and viruses easily killed, reducing the source of infection. Second, people began to again develop good habit to pay attention to personal hygiene, wash hands, reduced intestinal disease may occur, often these diseases through hand contact with dirt, to eat into his mouth infection. Reduced people away from eating, not very clean restaurant and had nobody to eat cold dish, also cut off the important channels of transmission.

Summer diarrhea can be divided into four categories:

According to cause some summer diarrhea can be divided into four categories, permeability, power, secretion, and mixed, some enteritis is caused by taking some drugs, such as a doctor to the patient to drink some of the drug seeping into water in the cells in the intestine, causing diarrhea. Some people have things does not control a good mood, too excited excitement caused by sympathetic nerve, to the digestive tract reaction also caused some inflammation.

Most of enteritis and microbial infection. Bacterial enteritis caused by culprits are Escherichia coli, salmonella, and other, all of the diarrhea, the most common is caused by bacteria. Dysentery accounted for approximately 30% per cent of intestinal patients. Most viral diarrhea is caused by the Coxsackie virus, human diarrhea caused by rotavirus is also common. Because the intestinal disease prone to fevers, vomiting and diarrhea, patients feel very uncomfortable, they take some medicine cannot solve a problem, it is advisable to get to the hospital.

Although patients with digestive tract disease from the currently small, but will appear this year patients get together to watch the public is not ready to give up good habits, old road went up again. Wash, do not eat things outside in addition to gastrointestinal disease, hepatitis has greater benefits.

Is hepatitis powers in China, Statistics say the number is approximately 140 million, including patients and carriers. From pathology to determine, as long as liver infection rather than wait until the liver function test abnormal to be hepatitis. Hepatitis is not very good with people\'s health habits, habits of meal, and so has to do.

Because in addition to blood, mother and child and spread of these three channels, the digestive tract infection is also very important factors.

After entering the summer, people pay special attention to clean and wash food, try to eat cold dish, which not only can prevent gastrointestinal diseases, good for food poisoning often occurs in the summer. Because of food poisoning is due to bacteria in food corruption produced a lot of toxins, people eat to disease.

Diarrhea in children more attention:

According to the infection of capital Institute of Pediatrics digestive section to experts, the most recent period in children with diarrhoea account for around 85% per cent of the outpatient, far more than the chicken pox, mumps, number of children with respiratory tract infectious diseases common in the spring.

Are many ways to cause diarrhea in children, and the cause of the recent increase in children with a stage there are several main areas: first is climate change. Sudden warming weather, some children eat relatively cold drinks. The second is a routine change. Many classes of students at home now, too little outdoor activities, a lot of fatty foods cause digestive disorders. Third, some infants, adding complementary foods, and kids eat too much too early satiety, or artificial feeding protein deficiency, too many carbohydrates, causing intestinal fermentation process increases stool too dilute.

In the treatment of children, suffering from gastroenteritis, dysentery infections account for a large proportion of children with diarrhea. Typically, bacteria, viruses, fungi and some infections can cause diarrhea of unknown origin. Past infection diarrhea in infants and young children during one of the very high incidence of diseases; now, although people\'s awareness, prevention and treatment has increased, mortality, it is still a high incidence of childhood diseases.

Harm of diarrhoea among children is very large. Mild cases may have a fever, abdominal pain, fatigue, poor appetite, severe cases can appear water and electrolyte disturbances, such as dehydration, acidosis occurs in children with, or even children with life-threatening. Because of the great harm children diarrhea, so experts advise parents good prevention.

Intestinal disease prevention tips:

1. rationalize diet, balanced nutrition. Summer food to be dominated by light, especially those who love to eat the meat of the child, parents should also adjust diet, encouraging children to eat more vegetables and fruits. Not greedy cold drinks, meals not eaten too full to avoid damage of gastro-intestinal function.

2. diet and health and hygiene, education, children from small habit of washing hands after meals, good habits. To educate the children not to bad restaurant in mobile vendors, health conditions, not to hold food walk and eat. On raising families with pets, be sure to do a pet\'s health, at the same time to warn children not to himself while eating while feeding pets.

3. According to the climate change, changes of clothes in a timely manner. Pay attention to room ventilation to keep the air fresh. To strengthening exercises, enhance its ability to resist disease. Combined with good rest, a reasonable schedule, learn to take a couple not to miss.

4. for infants and young children, encouraging breastfeeding,

Especially after the birth of the first summer of the most important, avoid summer weaning. When feeding, should pay attention to food hygiene and water clean. Whether breastfeeding or artificial feeding time adding complementary foods, add process should be gradual, not several complementary foods are added at once. 5. the timely treatment of diarrhea, especially in children with diarrhea should seek medical advice in a timely manner, minimizing the damage to children caused by diarrhoeal and avoid malnutrition, vitamin deficiency and a variety of infections and other complications.

Infertility treatment the best selected summer

Sperm quality is different from the four seasons, United Kingdom scientists suggest men the best option for infertility treatment in the summer. China Academy of traditional Chinese medicine Andrology Xiyuan hospital physician Du Baojun said that for a long time \"good pregnancy\" husband and wife, not be the best pregnancy in the spring season.

Du Baojun pointed out that, according to a study abroad show that sperm vitality of the strongest in the autumn, winter and spring sperm count up to, but the tail defects, while the highest proportion of immature sperm during the summer. Thus, in the spring of resurrection is not easy pregnancy because of poor sperm motility defects at the end, fertilized egg make it difficult to come into contact with.

While men with infertility treatment, the best choice in summer. In response, Du Baojun said, this is because the lowest quality of sperm in the summer, during this period most immature sperm in the semen, and sperm maturation cycle is three months, after a summer of treatments, will wait until the autumn of sperm, pregnancy, natural highest chance.

He said men of reproductive age, may wish to start from spring to autumn in high pregnancy rates and preparing high quality baby, outdoor sports, spring also are advised to eat more green vegetables and zinc content of various fruits and vegetables, such as cucumbers, tomatoes, beans, etc.

Let the child be fully balanced nutrition

We often hear parents following the statement: \"the more expensive stuff more nutritious\", \"no problem our child nutrition, eat meat\", \"we are not rich, which has so much money to supplement nutrition.\" From these discussions, from parents in daily dietary arrangements, is not difficult to see, parents of children on rational nutrition knowledge and methodologies, there are more mistakes.

So, what nutrition children need it? How to give the children adequate nutrition do?

What is nutrition

From the perspective of children need for healthy growth, they need to heat water, protein, vitamins, trace elements, the five large nutrients.

Heat: the children are in a period of rapid growth and development, supporting their growth and development of heat energy, is most-needed food, to ensure that children eat. Flour, millet, sorghum, rice, corn, buckwheat, and so can provide heat.

Protein: children need plenty of protein to promote its brain and neural development, updated cell organization. Children need a daily average of more than 50 grams of protein, that is, 3~6sui child if you have 200 grams of milk, 200 grams of milk a day, eat 1 egg, 100 grams of lean meat, 150 g ~200 gram of staple foods, protein intake will suffice. Financially disadvantaged families, children often eat beef and pork is not guaranteed, if children drink 200 grams of milk a day (or jellied bean curd, and bean flowers), ate 2 eggs, 100 g tofu, 10 grams of sesame paste, 150 g ~200 g Staples, 50 grams of soya bean (or green), can also meet the needs of children body protein.

Vitamins: children need vitamins involved in physiological metabolism of the body, helps the body absorb proteins and a variety of nutrition, prevention, heart, blood vessels, bones, eyes, teeth and other aspects of the digestive system diseases. 3~6sui children should eat a variety of vegetables and fruits, requires more than 250 grams a day.

Trace elements: children need the right amount of trace elements, such as iron, zinc, calcium, phosphorus, iodine, selenium, etc. These elements are present in the grain, meat, seafood, milk, beans, vegetables, fresh fruit and other food. If the child is finicky and lack of trace elements, can cause anemia, rickets, cardiac damage, mental retardation, emotional and behavioral diseases such as difficult to control.

Water: children need to drink enough water, helps the body\'s basal metabolism, body wastes. Children love drink instead of instead of boiled water, and contains saccharin, coloring, flavoring, caffeine, has caused children chronic poisoning, too exciting impulses, such as asthma and dermatitis. Boiled water for children\'s health is the most important.

How I can roughly estimate the nutritional status of children? Parents need to weigh the baby on a regular basis, and with him the previous weight ratio. In General, 3~6sui children about 2 kg per cent a year. Growth too fast, children easily become due to nutrition \"xiaopangdun\"; slow growth, the child may be due to insufficient nutrition \"bean sprouts\". Both cases are nutritional imbalances.

How to let your child get a reasonable nutrition

To make children full access to nutrition, should be aware of the following several points:

1. daily dietary nutrition of comprehensive, balanced

At present, in the area of family nutrition, there are evening of infant complementary food, fancy monotone and early childhood meals less crude fiber, meat and more vegetables and less, in circumstances such as lack of drinking water. Therefore, resulting in a child is finicky in the diet (due to poor chewing ability, chew way wrong, due to preference for a certain taste), anorexia, and so on.